Broker's Game ATC (Od trades4x)
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Broker's Game ATC Diskusia
Členom od May 24, 2010
4 príspevkov
Jan 10, 2014 at 21:19
Členom od May 24, 2010
4 príspevkov
All those following this system, it is important to trade this system with a broker with lower spread. Not that it is spread sensitive but in long run to minimize the money eaten by spreads and commissions can eat a large portion of your capital.
Build a long term record and partner with big fund investor
Členom od Aug 22, 2009
382 príspevkov
Jan 12, 2014 at 14:16
Členom od Aug 22, 2009
382 príspevkov
Looks good system. Keep it up.
Looks good system. Keep it up.
Členom od May 04, 2012
1534 príspevkov
Jan 21, 2014 at 03:56
Členom od May 04, 2012
1534 príspevkov
Oooops... Did not last long...
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