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- EA 2014
EA 2014 (Od davidfxonlinecom)
Používateľ odstránil tento systém.
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EA 2014 Diskusia
Členom od Aug 20, 2011
588 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2014 at 18:04
Členom od Aug 20, 2011
588 príspevkov
sad... the discussions were lost as the first MyFxbook EA2014 account has been dropped and recreated!
Členom od May 24, 2010
371 príspevkov
Jan 14, 2014 at 07:43
Členom od May 24, 2010
371 príspevkov
willgart posted:
sad... the discussions were lost as the first MyFxbook EA2014 account has been dropped and recreated!
Discussion can not be deleted. Here is the whole truth:
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