ERIKE TEAM (Od moneyfx2020)

Zisk : +204.34%
Čerpanie 3.10%
Pipy: 13404.0
Obchodníci 91
Typ: Reálny
Páka: 1:100
Obchodovanie: Neznáme


Oct 10, 2020 at 03:59
786 Zobrazení
2 Replies
Členom od Aug 05, 2020   5 príspevkov
Jan 18, 2021 at 06:01
A nice trading system indeed. Your win rate is really amazing. I hope that I will also become a consistently profitable trader like you are in the coming years.
Členom od Sep 26, 2019   21 príspevkov
Jan 18, 2021 at 16:02
It looks impressive.
It makes me happy that traders are creating something of value for other traders.
It's always more promising.
Because they have a better understanding of the needs and immediate problems.
Členom od Aug 19, 2020   11 príspevkov
Jan 18, 2021 at 16:20
I understand that sales always show the strongest moment. But to fully assess the situation we definitely need the order history, why doesn't anyone show it? It would definitely attract more attention.
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