ForexGalaxy.Net - Scalper (Od uk_max)
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ForexGalaxy.Net - Scalper Diskusia
Členom od Nov 07, 2012
85 príspevkov
Jun 25, 2013 at 06:29
Členom od Nov 07, 2012
85 príspevkov
Since auto update has been MIA, I found my login details for this Demo account and updated the stats with the EA>
Follow the official account here -
Follow the official account here -
Členom od Nov 07, 2012
85 príspevkov
Jul 17, 2013 at 03:50
Členom od Nov 07, 2012
85 príspevkov
The perfect market -

-live performance did well during this snapshot of time.
Here is backtest of latest version ( less trades, more profit than original)- - during same time

-live performance did well during this snapshot of time.
Here is backtest of latest version ( less trades, more profit than original)- - during same time

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