fxwinners2 (Od forex_trader_22167)
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fxwinners2 Diskusia

Členom od Oct 18, 2009
212 príspevkov
May 25, 2011 at 09:45
Členom od Oct 18, 2009
212 príspevkov
Good thing it's a demo. You've got 3.83 lots open on a $5,000 account. Ho hum

Členom od Oct 18, 2009
212 príspevkov
May 26, 2011 at 07:08
Členom od Oct 18, 2009
212 príspevkov
Wow, you can actually erase open losing trades that were sucking nearly 50% of your equity on a demo account? That's amazing. I wonder if Oanda will do that with my real account :thinking:
Členom od Feb 16, 2010
1305 príspevkov
May 26, 2011 at 07:17
Členom od Feb 16, 2010
1305 príspevkov
Patience posted:
Wow, you can actually erase open losing trades that were sucking nearly 50% of your equity on a demo account? That's amazing. I wonder if Oanda will do that with my real account :thinking:
Yeah, I clearly remember at least 5 open trades from yesterday and now there are only 3 trades in the history. I'm wondering what exactly is fake here and how is that possible.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."

Členom od Oct 18, 2009
212 príspevkov
May 26, 2011 at 07:40
Členom od Oct 18, 2009
212 príspevkov
forexma posted:
Yeah, I clearly remember at least 5 open trades from yesterday and now there are only 3 trades in the history. I'm wondering what exactly is fake here and how is that possible.
Those trades were already in the history. When I looked I think there were 3 trades open in sizeable loss sucking nearly 50% of equity. Now they have disappeared with no closure. I have read about how people can manipulate some file for MT4 before uploading. I guess I have just witnessed it. What a shame real life trading isn't that easy. Got a loss? Just make it disappear! Like Houdini! Poof!
Členom od Jan 27, 2011
98 príspevkov
May 26, 2011 at 08:29
Členom od Jan 27, 2011
98 príspevkov
wow... can't imagine how people can do things just to convince others to "donate" the money to them.
Maybe we can report this kind of black magic and banned them? But of course with evidence that we hardly keep.
Anyway, the owner of this account has his right to defend himself. Perhaps a screen shot from the actual MT4 terminal data...
Maybe we can report this kind of black magic and banned them? But of course with evidence that we hardly keep.
Anyway, the owner of this account has his right to defend himself. Perhaps a screen shot from the actual MT4 terminal data...
Hantam la labuuu. Harap rezeki kat FX nih...

Členom od Oct 18, 2009
212 príspevkov
May 26, 2011 at 08:47
Členom od Oct 18, 2009
212 príspevkov
uda7805 posted:
Anyway, the owner of this account has his right to defend himself.
Nothing to defend for me. I know what I saw because I even remember quickly working out his true leverage (position size/account size) giving a leverage of 76:1 and thinking this account ain't gonna last 5 minutes. You trade with leverage like that you need stops. Those open Houdini positions had no stops.
Členom od Jan 28, 2010
232 príspevkov
May 26, 2011 at 08:51
(upravené May 26, 2011 at 09:05)
Členom od Jan 28, 2010
232 príspevkov
Patience posted:
Those trades were already in the history. When I looked I think there were 3 trades open in sizeable loss sucking nearly 50% of equity. Now they have disappeared with no closure. I have read about how people can manipulate some file for MT4 before uploading. I guess I have just witnessed it. What a shame real life trading isn't that easy. Got a loss? Just make it disappear! Like Houdini! Poof!
That's probably why this account is still not verified. I doubt it ever will be or ever can be. The fact that myfxbook hasn't been given access to independently verify the records with the broker's server is probably how this user is able to publish manipulated history. I saw the open trades too. If myfxbook is allowed to fully verfiy this account, I am sure we will see those trades either open or closed.
This is why ONLY "fully verified" accounts should be allowed to be made public. It's already in the suggestion box.. wonder how long it will be before it's implemented.
Unverified public accounts are becoming a nuisance.
The "Strategy" section has been cleaned up... it's about time this section is cleaned up too, including "multiple identity" user accounts ! Drama-queens should find some place else to go play their multiple personalities ! 😄

Členom od Oct 18, 2009
212 príspevkov
May 26, 2011 at 09:01
Členom od Oct 18, 2009
212 príspevkov
ranesh posted:
Unverified public accounts are becoming a nuisance.
Indeed. He only caught my eye because he created another username to pump his other thread so for me there was an ulterior motive right from the start and now this .... losing open trades magically disappearing. The things people do.
Členom od Feb 16, 2010
1305 príspevkov
May 26, 2011 at 09:45
Členom od Feb 16, 2010
1305 príspevkov
Let's vote members and hope we get heard:
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."

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