GFR_REAL (Od greatestforex)

Zisk : +1603.61%
Čerpanie 47.59%
Pipy: 701.0
Obchodníci 327
Typ: Reálny
Páka: 1:500
Obchodovanie: Automaticky

GFR_REAL Diskusia

May 26, 2010 at 01:25
5,598 Zobrazení
64 Replies
Členom od May 19, 2010   30 príspevkov
Oct 15, 2010 at 10:57 (upravené Oct 15, 2010 at 10:59)
for all,
i stop update statement and i do not need to prove my robot again, I'll use it my self.

for kami190
1. no (my robot is single .ex4)
2. yes it's work in real account (but, whatever you think)
3. i stop update statement and i do not need to prove my robot again, I'll use it my self.
little deposit to huge withdrawal
Členom od Jul 10, 2010   129 príspevkov
Oct 15, 2010 at 14:38
Are works in ECN broker !?
Členom od Dec 22, 2009   47 príspevkov
Oct 16, 2010 at 13:59
yes use it and make all the money!!!

Členom od Jul 10, 2010   129 príspevkov
Oct 16, 2010 at 15:32

showbaba posted:
yes use it and make all the money!!!


how thinks about this expert ?
Členom od Dec 22, 2009   47 príspevkov
Oct 16, 2010 at 20:40
i dont think anything of what i cant see or test, this is the ICT age anything is possible, from it being totally real to it being totally a joke

so if i dont know how it works i aint putting my money there
Členom od May 19, 2010   30 príspevkov
Oct 17, 2010 at 06:38
please send your comment on "funniest home videos" if you have a joke.
little deposit to huge withdrawal
Členom od Jul 10, 2010   129 príspevkov
Oct 28, 2010 at 08:21
Are GFR and GRU works in ECN ?
Členom od May 19, 2010   30 príspevkov
Oct 28, 2010 at 08:55
GRU is work in ECN
little deposit to huge withdrawal
Členom od Feb 16, 2010   1305 príspevkov
Oct 28, 2010 at 09:03 (upravené Oct 28, 2010 at 09:09)
greatestforex posted:
GRU is work in ECN

I can't believe how you sell something you're not trading by yourself. So far we've seen a single real account with Prime4x. What happened next after August 14-th?

Yohanes, do you currently trade with your robot on real account? If yes, would you please show that account!
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Členom od Aug 20, 2010   55 príspevkov
Nov 03, 2010 at 01:40
I think Yohanes you did not managed to draw the money, i read from a forum your account was banned.
Členom od May 19, 2010   30 príspevkov
Nov 03, 2010 at 07:36
i found new broker, that i can use this robot
1 month, my profit is 370%
i dont suppose to tell you my broker or my trade history.

thanks to NFA
little deposit to huge withdrawal
Členom od Feb 16, 2010   1305 príspevkov
Nov 03, 2010 at 07:50 (upravené Nov 03, 2010 at 07:51)
greatestforex posted:
i found new broker, that i can use this robot
1 month, my profit is 370%
i dont suppose to tell you my broker or my trade history.

thanks to NFA

And I've been on Mars and talked to the little green guys. They told me they're gonna open an Earth brokerage soon. LOOOOL
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Členom od May 19, 2010   30 príspevkov
Nov 03, 2010 at 08:04 (upravené Nov 03, 2010 at 08:11)
forexma posted:
greatestforex posted:
i found new broker, that i can use this robot
1 month, my profit is 370%
i dont suppose to tell you my broker or my trade history.

thanks to NFA

And I've been on Mars and talked to the little green guys. They told me they're gonna open an Earth brokerage soon. LOOOOL

wow, there is astronaut talking..... LOOOLLL BABY ASTRONAUT
why you came here? (MARS)
are you find my robot?
are you loss your money on your earth??
step away form my PLANET, this is profit PLANET.

by the way,
can you send us your picture, to prove that you already come to my PLANET.
little deposit to huge withdrawal
Členom od Apr 20, 2010   808 príspevkov
Nov 04, 2010 at 01:57 (upravené Nov 04, 2010 at 02:03)
Great Forex Robot is one of the EA in my Research Folder also.
I have put it in demo for several days, but it doesn't seem trade very much, I recall no trade trigger at all.
So I have already took out from my research project list and put in in Area 51.

Anyone else who has success use this EA ? It did not have library file rite ?

Hope is not Asgard technology. Unbelievable the EA can start with just $120 and making profit $1.3k in 5 month.

Information is Gold when come to organised.
Členom od May 19, 2010   30 príspevkov
Nov 06, 2010 at 03:07

ForexSeeker posted:
Great Forex Robot is one of the EA in my Research Folder also.
I have put it in demo for several days, but it doesn't seem trade very much, I recall no trade trigger at all.
So I have already took out from my research project list and put in in Area 51.

Anyone else who has success use this EA ? It did not have library file rite ?

Hope is not Asgard technology. Unbelievable the EA can start with just $120 and making profit $1.3k in 5 month.

dear Double Trap,

1st, congratulation, you have my robot GFR... but you must setting the right parameter and get the right broker... (its hard to find good broker right now, I'm almost desperate). you cannot test it to demo account, because we know >> demo vs real is different and we can't compare it. i hope you can found the right broker. trust me, you can found it. good luck.
2nd, my history is trade less than 5 month (its about 2-3 month), because i ever stop my trading on the middle.
--- i start on 03.24.10 23:11 till 04.22.10 02:04 and than stop
--- i start again from 06.08.10 00:57 till 07.15.10 07:09 than finish,
we all know (my account was banned because to much profit) my broker is not good enough (BUT NOW, I ALREADY FOUND THE GOOD ONE, I HOPE YOU CAN FOUND THAT BROKER TOO)

Best Regards,

little deposit to huge withdrawal
Členom od Feb 16, 2010   1305 príspevkov
Nov 06, 2010 at 07:02
Now you start to sound like Dominic and his genius robot. You sell a tool w/o a manual, saying it works but not telling HOW. You're saying it works on real account and you've found a good broker but you cannot prove it. In the forex world "it's ok" is not enough, YOU HAVE TO PROVE IT. Where is the new real account? If you're not sharing it it's probably because it doesn't exist at all, otherwise you should've been proud to show it and shut my mouth.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Členom od Feb 16, 2010   1305 príspevkov
Nov 06, 2010 at 07:16 (upravené Nov 06, 2010 at 07:19)
greatestforex posted:

... (its hard to find good broker right now, I'm almost desperate)....

My broker is very nice and tolerates all type of EAs but min account is 5 000. It's a myth there are not good brokers.

Of course it's not a myth if you're searching for "$100 min account and 1:1000 leverage" type of broker. If you're offered a leverage of 1:500 it will surely be a market maker because they know: the higher the leverage => the faster you're gonna lose your account => the faster they become rich. Then of course they will not tolerate profitable traders as they did with you.

Usually good brokers offer max leverage of 1:100, mini lot is the min trade size and they require large min account opening size.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Členom od May 19, 2010   30 príspevkov
Nov 06, 2010 at 08:19

forexma posted:
Now you start to sound like Dominic and his genius robot. You sell a tool w/o a manual, saying it works but not telling HOW. You're saying it works on real account and you've found a good broker but you cannot prove it. In the forex world "it's ok" is not enough, YOU HAVE TO PROVE IT. Where is the new real account? If you're not sharing it it's probably because it doesn't exist at all, otherwise you should've been proud to show it and shut my mouth.

wow... astronaut come back to my planet.
whatever, i am sure that you are not my member. IF you are my member, you already know that broker (i already tell to my member)!!
and i not suppose to prove any history to any people including you!!
let you know, i am not selling my EA anymore...
are jealous? (please remember, you ever PM me to buy my robot. LOLLLL)
I am not an arrogant person like you, who exhibit account history.
sorry, you are nothing for me!!!
good luck with your opinion....

little deposit to huge withdrawal
Členom od Feb 16, 2010   1305 príspevkov
Nov 06, 2010 at 10:13

greatestforex posted:
wow... astronaut come back to my planet.
whatever, i am sure that you are not my member. IF you are my member, you already know that broker (i already tell to my member)!!
and i not suppose to prove any history to any people including you!!
let you know, i am not selling my EA anymore...
are jealous? (please remember, you ever PM me to buy my robot. LOLLLL)
I am not an arrogant person like you, who exhibit account history.
sorry, you are nothing for me!!!
good luck with your opinion....

Yes, I'm not your member and I don't know that broker but I don't know why that should be secret at all.
And yes again, if you're not selling it anymore you don't have to prove anything to anybody but to me it looks that you're still trying to sell it, otherwise I wonder what are you doing here at all.
No, I'm not jealous about anything. Yes, I was interested in your EA but since you failed to prove it works with normal brokers(you used Prime4x for real trading which is a proven s..m broker) I decided not to buy it because I would never use similar broker for real account trading.
I'm not an arrogant person, I just ask questions which usually people don't like to answer.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Členom od May 19, 2010   30 príspevkov
Nov 06, 2010 at 11:06

forexma posted:

greatestforex posted:
wow... astronaut come back to my planet.
whatever, i am sure that you are not my member. IF you are my member, you already know that broker (i already tell to my member)!!
and i not suppose to prove any history to any people including you!!
let you know, i am not selling my EA anymore...
are jealous? (please remember, you ever PM me to buy my robot. LOLLLL)
I am not an arrogant person like you, who exhibit account history.
sorry, you are nothing for me!!!
good luck with your opinion....

Yes, I'm not your member and I don't know that broker but I don't know why that should be secret at all.
And yes again, if you're not selling it anymore you don't have to prove anything to anybody but to me it looks that you're still trying to sell it, otherwise I wonder what are you doing here at all.
No, I'm not jealous about anything. Yes, I was interested in your EA but since you failed to prove it works with normal brokers(you used Prime4x for real trading which is a proven s..m broker) I decided not to buy it because I would never use similar broker for real account trading.
I'm not an arrogant person, I just ask questions which usually people don't like to answer.

finally, i found jealous guy. it prove enough for me... 😇 LOLLLL
let me guess:
you are poor person
you are loss all money including FOREX MARKET
you are loss your family
you are loss your house+car
you are the guy that cannot selling your EA
you are desperate guy
you are only have notebook, try to find free hot spot for internet and than you have many time to silly comment on my discussion.

wake up BRO... this is a life... do you have problem with that?
no wonder many people are laughing at you ...
very sad...

little deposit to huge withdrawal
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