Gold High Cent (Od acealert)
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Gold High Cent Diskusia
Členom od Aug 12, 2020
18 príspevkov
Aug 12, 2020 at 13:34
Členom od Aug 12, 2020
18 príspevkov
I was just exploring, wish to know which account you use for your trades with GPS forex robot, like
zero spread
i see all your trades have fixed pip and profit.
Which Is better fbs or ic markets ?
As these two suit my pyt deposit and withdrawl methods.
Členom od Sep 01, 2017
5 príspevkov
Aug 12, 2020 at 15:08
Členom od Sep 01, 2017
5 príspevkov
I use FBS cent account for this forward test, try to minimizing deposit
As for IC Markets, I never use it but Mark said this EA can use on any broker. Feel free to choose which suits you
As for IC Markets, I never use it but Mark said this EA can use on any broker. Feel free to choose which suits you
Členom od Aug 12, 2020
18 príspevkov
Členom od Jul 20, 2019
338 príspevkov
Aug 13, 2020 at 09:16
Členom od Jul 20, 2019
338 príspevkov
Cool, thanks for connecting your account. I'm curious about the results in a few months.
patience is the key
Členom od Sep 01, 2017
5 príspevkov
Oct 10, 2020 at 11:57
Členom od Sep 01, 2017
5 príspevkov
Thank you, hope you get benefit from what I shared
Členom od Jun 17, 2020
29 príspevkov
Oct 14, 2020 at 11:07
Členom od Jun 17, 2020
29 príspevkov
Wow! Is that really a real account!?
Členom od Sep 01, 2017
5 príspevkov
Členom od Feb 26, 2014
15 príspevkov
Oct 15, 2020 at 05:35
Členom od Feb 26, 2014
15 príspevkov
marco_mmbiz posted:
Cool, thanks for connecting your account. I'm curious about the results in a few months.
I just found this. Hey, that is great and I will follow with curiosity.
I bought one of these years ago and never really used it because there is a lot of downside risk. But then, the long term results speak for themselves.
Please keep us updated.

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