Gold Robot Real Money Account (Od goldsilverrobots)
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Gold Robot Real Money Account Diskusia

Členom od Oct 25, 2011
22 príspevkov
Feb 15, 2012 at 16:50
Členom od Oct 25, 2011
22 príspevkov
Good EA, how's about the BackTest?
Členom od Dec 15, 2010
784 príspevkov
May 23, 2012 at 22:48
Členom od Dec 15, 2010
784 príspevkov
Anyone know about this EA? Real money account? I have my own Custom built gold trading ea and it does well on back testing. Just wondering if anyone knows the principle of this gold trading EA so I can compare notes Before I forward test a live account. Did anyone see that the DD on this EA is posted at 52% and I dont think thats correct, I dont see any big drawdown on the chart. Garry
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