GREENBACK- Moderate (Od Greenback)

Zisk : -99.89%
Čerpanie 99.98%
Pipy: 603.1
Obchodníci 207
Typ: Reálny
Páka: 1:200
Obchodovanie: Neznáme

GREENBACK- Moderate Diskusia

Aug 27, 2018 at 06:13
633 Zobrazení
1 Replies
Členom od Aug 25, 2018   4 príspevkov
Aug 27, 2018 at 07:24
Our system is based on an advanced algorithm which looks for pockets of liquidity using simple price action methods.

It trades break outs and reversals at key institutional levels and therefore there is good execution at these levels.
Due to a strict money management approach and high win ratio the system has a very low drawdown and is usable in almost any market.

We have multiple filters, including time and volatility filter to ensure that trading only occurs in volatile markets to catch high potential momentum swings.

The goal is to provide the best possible service for our investors and subscribers.
Členom od Jul 25, 2018   1 príspevkov
Aug 28, 2018 at 06:35
Hello sir. Do you offer signals or it's just copy trading?
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