Hikeman Solutions group (Od forex_trader_103771)

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Hikeman Solutions group Diskusia

Apr 17, 2013 at 08:17
988 Zobrazení
5 Replies
Členom od Apr 15, 2012   7 príspevkov
May 04, 2013 at 10:53
How do you have an excellent history?
Členom od May 10, 2013   1 príspevkov
May 10, 2013 at 08:32
Your accoune is demo & u don't have any stop loss.You jus wait & wait & wait... I see your history u have a tarde in 13d u just earned 1 pip.
thats the reason that u have any lost position
Členom od Dec 24, 2012   3 príspevkov
May 10, 2013 at 10:23
Hello Dear,
No our account is REAL, if it would be DEMO it would say it is DEMO. This is our strategy. We use high Risk Management and Money Management. We are team of professional traders, who are very accurate analytics and trend analyzers, also we have great connections at various places of the world. We decide at which trades we can enter and which trades we should close early. We use stop loss, but only on the trades we are not 100% sure. If you have any more questions please free to write us at [email protected].

Thank you.
Hikeman Solutions group
Členom od Apr 15, 2012   7 príspevkov
May 10, 2013 at 10:23
His accont is real, not demo. but yes he puts no stop loss and just wiats and waits. I just discovered that lately. It is a bad thing if you are trading and risking 2% per trade. because draw down can be really big. but if u trade for very small micro lot on small account. You will never lose but it might take a day or week or months to make money
Členom od Dec 24, 2012   3 príspevkov
May 10, 2013 at 11:49
Our trading account is of $10 000. We use stop loss. It depends on our analyzes and news in the market. If we know that trend will retrace sooner or later we leave it running with no stop loss, if we know that we are not 100% sure of our position opened we will place stop loss. Right now we have two positions opened and they are both in Profit. With high Risk Management and Money Management we are trying to enter only in the trades we are more then positive about. As you can see on the history of trades there was only three trades which last longer then 10 days. We are not scalpers, we use swing strategy, our lot size $0.33 per lot size. More about our services, please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you.
Hikeman Solutions group.
Členom od Jan 22, 2010   77 príspevkov
Dec 22, 2015 at 23:01
Hikeman Solutions is a total scam. They are still in cahoots with profitfxsignals. They claim 1000+ pips a month but refuse to show myfxbook results because they are afraid people will "copy their trades".

I subscribed for 1 month, and requested a refund as part of their "money back guarantee for 1000+ pips" because they lost more than 2000 pips but they blocked me on Skype. I managed to get a chargeback from my bank so all is good.

Unethical company that will make you lose all your money!
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