Kangaroo EA (discontinued) (Od forexgermany)
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Kangaroo EA (discontinued) Diskusia
Členom od Sep 04, 2009
849 príspevkov
May 05, 2011 at 14:31
Členom od Sep 04, 2009
849 príspevkov
Aus der Traum vom funktionierendem Grid System...😲
Členom od Mar 27, 2012
33 príspevkov
Členom od Oct 04, 2010
144 príspevkov
Apr 07, 2012 at 10:18
Členom od Oct 04, 2010
144 príspevkov
Yes, cent account, 4 digits, fixed spread.
Členom od Feb 15, 2012
197 príspevkov
Členom od Oct 04, 2010
144 príspevkov
Aug 11, 2012 at 13:27
Členom od Oct 04, 2010
144 príspevkov
FXOpen fixed spread account happened. 😄
Demo results on FinFX were much better and after discussing this with the vendor I moved the account to Pepperstone. Demo results on FinFX and live results on Pepperstone match most of the time, if not always (I would have to make a detailed comparison).
Demo results on FinFX were much better and after discussing this with the vendor I moved the account to Pepperstone. Demo results on FinFX and live results on Pepperstone match most of the time, if not always (I would have to make a detailed comparison).
Členom od Feb 15, 2012
197 príspevkov
Aug 11, 2012 at 17:34
Členom od Feb 15, 2012
197 príspevkov
Thanks, but what explain this horrible performance?!
Členom od Oct 04, 2010
144 príspevkov
Aug 11, 2012 at 22:10
Členom od Oct 04, 2010
144 príspevkov
Well, first of all I did ignore the vendor's warning and didn't stop trading EURUSD immediately when they recommended it. I could have avoided three SLs otherwise. Due to the spread the EA missed some entries as well as early exits and therefore, some profitable trades. I also remember that once most ECN accounts missed a full SL by about one pip - my account didn't.
Členom od Feb 15, 2012
197 príspevkov
Aug 12, 2012 at 07:55
Členom od Feb 15, 2012
197 príspevkov
Thank you, do you use it again, now?
Do you sell your license?
Do you sell your license?
Členom od Oct 04, 2010
144 príspevkov
Aug 12, 2012 at 09:05
Členom od Oct 04, 2010
144 príspevkov
I moved the EA to a Pepperstone account in March and it made 50% since then. So no, I won't sell my licence.

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