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- Mamont v 1.7.2
Mamont v 1.7.2 (Od Capella)
Používateľ odstránil tento systém.
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Mamont v 1.7.2 Diskusia
Členom od Apr 18, 2011
239 príspevkov
Jul 28, 2011 at 08:41
Členom od Apr 18, 2011
239 príspevkov
u r activated this EA on at least 10 pairs. should we open all these pairs in metatrader? or when u activated in 1 pair, aoutomatically EA trades on all pairs?
Členom od Jul 03, 2011
32 príspevkov
Jul 28, 2011 at 13:13
Členom od Jul 03, 2011
32 príspevkov
I run this EA (sligthly modified by me - version 2.3.3) on default settings. It shpuld trade on all pairs.
Členom od Apr 18, 2011
239 príspevkov
Jul 28, 2011 at 17:02
Členom od Apr 18, 2011
239 príspevkov
i have version 1.4 of this EA. in what time frame works?
Členom od Jul 03, 2011
32 príspevkov
Jul 28, 2011 at 21:13
(upravené Jul 28, 2011 at 21:15)
Členom od Jul 03, 2011
32 príspevkov
Sorry, the version I'm running is 1.7.3+. I think version 1.7.1 is the latest official version, and the versions after that are my own correcte aones as follows...
// 2011-07-10 Modified by Capella:
// Removed last date restriction - uneducated version does not work after 31.12.2011 23:59
// Removed account number / key protection
// Moved all externals to the beginning to make it easier to read
// Added labels for externals
// Added MaxSread as an external variable, and a corresponding spread as an internal variable for broker spread in points
// 2011-07-11 Modified by Capella:
// Corrected unreadable text in Print and Comment commands
// Added Trading Hours incl. Friday End Hours
The EA stopped trading though for a while though, but it was my own mistake, since I forgot to restart it. I run many different EA's on different VPS-servers.
// 2011-07-10 Modified by Capella:
// Removed last date restriction - uneducated version does not work after 31.12.2011 23:59
// Removed account number / key protection
// Moved all externals to the beginning to make it easier to read
// Added labels for externals
// Added MaxSread as an external variable, and a corresponding spread as an internal variable for broker spread in points
// 2011-07-11 Modified by Capella:
// Corrected unreadable text in Print and Comment commands
// Added Trading Hours incl. Friday End Hours
The EA stopped trading though for a while though, but it was my own mistake, since I forgot to restart it. I run many different EA's on different VPS-servers.
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