The Midas Touch-Managed Account (Od forex_trader_68199)
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The Midas Touch-Managed Account Diskusia

Členom od Mar 05, 2012
15 príspevkov
Apr 24, 2013 at 09:12
(upravené Apr 24, 2013 at 09:13)
Členom od Mar 05, 2012
15 príspevkov
WealthBot Account Changed to Midus Managed Account 22/04/2013 watch this Grow !
Uses All Morpheus Robot Strategies and some special in - house algorythms.
Uses All Morpheus Robot Strategies and some special in - house algorythms.

Členom od Feb 26, 2012
6 príspevkov
May 03, 2013 at 22:12
Členom od Feb 26, 2012
6 príspevkov
...some special in - house "algorythms" which f... up the account 😉

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