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- Momentum_real
Momentum_real (Od forex_trader_2062)
Používateľ odstránil tento systém.
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Momentum_real Diskusia
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
Členom od Mar 25, 2010
193 príspevkov
Jun 04, 2011 at 18:37
Členom od Mar 25, 2010
193 príspevkov
Last trade in backtesting is always showed in loss (because stop loss) but in real the trade closed in profit
Yeah i know my grammar sucks, I speak spanish. Sorry if something doesnt make sense ;)
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
Členom od Jun 09, 2011
186 príspevkov
Jun 11, 2011 at 19:21
Členom od Jun 09, 2011
186 príspevkov
looks great anadova, gogo man!
http://www.freeforexrebates .info
Členom od Mar 04, 2011
286 príspevkov
Jun 13, 2011 at 16:16
Členom od Mar 04, 2011
286 príspevkov
Interesting I will look fwd to your system.
good luck
good luck
Press F1 for help or Dial 911.
Členom od Dec 07, 2010
56 príspevkov
Jun 16, 2011 at 11:42
Členom od Dec 07, 2010
56 príspevkov
Hi bro, the last trade is close by manual SL ?
Try or die with nothing!
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
Jun 16, 2011 at 11:49
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
Yes, however, I have seen this EA go this far negative and came back for a profit. Reason why I did it is I tried a support value and palced it as SL as a way of testing for future upgrades.
Členom od May 24, 2011
4 príspevkov
Jun 16, 2011 at 12:33
Členom od May 24, 2011
4 príspevkov
how i can get this ea? i am not too much ecxperienced..
how i can get this ea? i am not too much ecxperienced..
Členom od Mar 25, 2010
193 príspevkov
Jun 16, 2011 at 15:35
Členom od Mar 25, 2010
193 príspevkov
hellow posted:
how i can get this ea? i am not too much ecxperienced..
You need to buy it, 150 usd. There is a new version with a lot better performance, i have a 4 years backtesting 99% model quality if you are interesting. Current version 2.3
For this EA:
For a Medium/high return/risk Max lot size for this ea .1 for 1K balance,
Conservative is .1 for 5K balance, risk 3% by trade.
Im not affliatte to the vendor, just a beta tester i dont know if the vendor is selling the ea with my last settings you can ask him o send me a pm after your purchase.
[email protected]
Yeah i know my grammar sucks, I speak spanish. Sorry if something doesnt make sense ;)
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
Jun 16, 2011 at 18:35
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
Yes, I am selling them with the settings produced by MIguel.
Thansk Miguel.
Thansk Miguel.
Členom od Apr 28, 2011
116 príspevkov
Jul 08, 2011 at 13:37
Členom od Apr 28, 2011
116 príspevkov
cmon dont give up my friend, make a better ea....i have BT your metode ea from 1999 n 😭 results
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
Jul 09, 2011 at 01:57
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
Give up, never, ALL ea's are loosing!!!!
Členom od Apr 28, 2011
116 príspevkov
Jul 09, 2011 at 03:19
Členom od Apr 28, 2011
116 príspevkov
no.....if u make ea base on indicator (ma,macd,rsi and many more...) will be lossing...but if u make ea with price action base with stricth money management u will be win 😁
Členom od Jan 23, 2011
12 príspevkov
Jul 10, 2011 at 11:22
Členom od Jan 23, 2011
12 príspevkov
Hi Forex Anadova,
don't take the current market behaviour as 'standard', it is definitely not acting normally since the last 2 weeks...
hopefully things will get back to normal so EAs will win again.
Keep up your great work.
don't take the current market behaviour as 'standard', it is definitely not acting normally since the last 2 weeks...
hopefully things will get back to normal so EAs will win again.
Keep up your great work.
Trading is Discipline, Control & Money Management
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
Jul 18, 2011 at 19:35
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
The EA will stay on, no reason to turn off, if I lose, it will not be the first time, but 'to win, you have to risk loss'
Členom od Jan 26, 2011
1367 príspevkov
Jul 20, 2011 at 05:26
(upravené Jul 20, 2011 at 05:39)
Členom od Jan 26, 2011
1367 príspevkov
i wish you well, mr anadova, srsly.
your gf sure is fancy, she is shinier than a brand new tractor.
btw, i diid try to tell you that momeentum doees not work.
i would suggest that you turn iit offf. wiith all ddue reespsect, of course.
my work may finally be coming together, i suppose that time willl tell.
i have worked so awessomely hard on thiis stupd stuff.
my new work, if iit is what i think iit is, is going to turn some unrealistiic numbers.
i may be able to turn positions that produce iin excess of 100% profit..
ii just might endd up beeiing thee ricchest phumduuck ddownn at the bloock and tackle and feed store, yay.
my cousin, the good looking one with that fancy store bought wristwatch did all the computer know how stuff.
he is some kind of braiiniiac.
the top acct iis my live acct, the bottom acct is a demo.
that demo acct has seen an upsiide of as much as 16k profit on that 10k acct, in a matterr oof only a feew days, target profit is approx +25k.
and you called me a drrug addiict loser...
couldnt yoou tell that ii wass pulling your leg?
i just so happen to be a world class technologist, screwed up kybd and all... lol.. 😎
your gf sure is fancy, she is shinier than a brand new tractor.
btw, i diid try to tell you that momeentum doees not work.
i would suggest that you turn iit offf. wiith all ddue reespsect, of course.
my work may finally be coming together, i suppose that time willl tell.
i have worked so awessomely hard on thiis stupd stuff.
my new work, if iit is what i think iit is, is going to turn some unrealistiic numbers.
i may be able to turn positions that produce iin excess of 100% profit..
ii just might endd up beeiing thee ricchest phumduuck ddownn at the bloock and tackle and feed store, yay.
my cousin, the good looking one with that fancy store bought wristwatch did all the computer know how stuff.
he is some kind of braiiniiac.
the top acct iis my live acct, the bottom acct is a demo.
that demo acct has seen an upsiide of as much as 16k profit on that 10k acct, in a matterr oof only a feew days, target profit is approx +25k.
and you called me a drrug addiict loser...
couldnt yoou tell that ii wass pulling your leg?
i just so happen to be a world class technologist, screwed up kybd and all... lol.. 😎
Členom od Mar 07, 2010
257 príspevkov
Jul 20, 2011 at 11:50
Členom od Mar 07, 2010
257 príspevkov
Forexanadova posted:
The EA will stay on, no reason to turn off, if I lose, it will not be the first time, but 'to win, you have to risk loss'
I agree but to risk 100% loss ... then what's the purpose ? It's a gamble then ...
The systems sold should be optimised to ensure the principal capital survival and not just say ... oh the backtest shows you can loose all your money ...
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
Jul 20, 2011 at 12:03
Členom od Oct 24, 2009
186 príspevkov
Yes, I will risk it, if I loose, I loose, forget about it and move on to something else.
Členom od Mar 07, 2010
257 príspevkov
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