Mt4-2088849582 (Od okehiedon)
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Mt4-2088849582 Diskusia
Členom od Jun 17, 2014
6 príspevkov
Aug 01, 2014 at 09:52
Členom od Jun 17, 2014
6 príspevkov
Thanks for sharing - these results are good. I can live with results like this - as opposed to facing big draw downs that are way too stressful (for me that is...)
Slow but steady - and no heart attacks :-)
Thanks for sharing. It is clear that you are very knowledgeable about grids, and even some of the new stop strategies in Stan 1 are new to me. Lots of reading to do....
Have you gone live with this yet?
Have a restful weekend,
Slow but steady - and no heart attacks :-)
Thanks for sharing. It is clear that you are very knowledgeable about grids, and even some of the new stop strategies in Stan 1 are new to me. Lots of reading to do....
Have you gone live with this yet?
Have a restful weekend,
Never Look Back
Členom od Jun 17, 2014
6 príspevkov
Aug 01, 2014 at 09:52
Členom od Jun 17, 2014
6 príspevkov
One more comment...
Quite interesting when looking at your summary how the AUD a featured currency in the top 4 losers....
And all of last 2 weeks we have all been watching the NZD taking accounts down.
Quite interesting when looking at your summary how the AUD a featured currency in the top 4 losers....
And all of last 2 weeks we have all been watching the NZD taking accounts down.
Never Look Back

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