outdated Lizzy 1.52 version (Od BestForexSoft)
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outdated Lizzy 1.52 version Diskusia

Členom od Dec 03, 2013
599 príspevkov
May 14, 2015 at 14:05
Členom od Dec 03, 2013
599 príspevkov
BestForexSoft posted:braddock posted:
other thing:
when i take 5 % risksetting for example on a 2500 € account..the ea take about 1 lot. but 1 lot and 100 pips sl is about in the worst case 1000 $ loss.
1000 dollar loss from 2500 is about -40 % and not 5 %.....or i am wrong? can you explain this?
We have revised risk management in our new version, yes, you will get it automatically.
And yes, we have also revised a robot to reduce such drawdowns in future.
Has this been fixed in recent update? The stoploss should be used to determine your lotsize to properly calculate risk per trade. Right now your 10% risk setting is actually 50% risk per trade.
05.12.2015 02:52 05.12.2015 05:44 EURUSD Buy 5.38 -100.00 30.00 1.11413 1.11634 22.1 1188.98 2h 51m 9.91%
A 100 pip stoploss would wipe out 50%.
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
May 14, 2015 at 15:48
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
i have in bt exactly same results 1.1 vs 1.4
Členom od Dec 10, 2013
82 príspevkov
May 14, 2015 at 16:09
Členom od Dec 10, 2013
82 príspevkov
braddock posted:
i have in bt exactly same results 1.1 vs 1.4
strange; I have the exact same amount of trades too but the latest ones get a bit more profit as the lot size is slightly higher (positive in 1.4). I've attached my two back-tests
now or never!
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
Členom od Nov 18, 2013
151 príspevkov
May 14, 2015 at 20:02
(upravené May 14, 2015 at 20:02)
Členom od Nov 18, 2013
151 príspevkov
I now had just one transaction at 21:51 thas 19:50 GMT would normally not be able to?
who had that to ? i have GMT 3
I now had just one transaction at 21:51 thas 19:50 GMT would normally not be able to?
who had that to ? i have GMT 3
Členom od Apr 03, 2014
42 príspevkov
May 14, 2015 at 21:54
Členom od Apr 03, 2014
42 príspevkov
parlavink posted:
I now had just one transaction at 21:51 thas 19:50 GMT would normally not be able to?
who had that to ? i have GMT 3
we got your email and will check it.
We are totally against any hidden tricks or fabricated results. We don't earn billions and don't make super robots for universal trading.
Členom od Apr 03, 2014
42 príspevkov
May 14, 2015 at 21:57
Členom od Apr 03, 2014
42 príspevkov
RedRhinoLab posted:BestForexSoft posted:braddock posted:
other thing:
Has this been fixed in recent update? The stoploss should be used to determine your lotsize to properly calculate risk per trade. Right now your 10% risk setting is actually 50% risk per trade.
A 100 pip stoploss would wipe out 50%.
SL is still 100 pips that is open in Inputs, and risk system is explained in the manual with examples of Lot depending on deposit and leverage, so now traders will have a clue. And, we can't promise anything, apart from working on auto gmt, we also are searching for the way to reduce DD.
We are totally against any hidden tricks or fabricated results. We don't earn billions and don't make super robots for universal trading.
Členom od Apr 03, 2014
42 príspevkov
May 15, 2015 at 10:32
Členom od Apr 03, 2014
42 príspevkov
Updated info: Robot may place orders from 21.00 GMT to 01.00 GMT, it is normal.
We are totally against any hidden tricks or fabricated results. We don't earn billions and don't make super robots for universal trading.
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
May 15, 2015 at 10:46
(upravené May 15, 2015 at 10:48)
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
parlavink get the trade on 21.51 german berlin time +2 gmt), that means that the gmt time was 19.51 GMT
and his broker have gmt +3 and in his set was 3 gmt...we been talking yesterday
and his broker have gmt +3 and in his set was 3 gmt...we been talking yesterday
Členom od Feb 22, 2015
82 príspevkov
May 15, 2015 at 13:12
Členom od Feb 22, 2015
82 príspevkov
Look at the big losses.....start 2014/1/1 with $200 and 2014/11/5 the balance was $218, 11 months later.....previously on 2014/8/20, almost 9 months after start, the balance was $ 86.47!!....more losses in that moment and goodbye account!!.....I think this EA has to control MUCH MORE the losses.
Atsiekratsie or braddock can post a new bt with fixed lot size?
Atsiekratsie or braddock can post a new bt with fixed lot size?

Členom od Dec 03, 2013
599 príspevkov
May 15, 2015 at 13:12
Členom od Dec 03, 2013
599 príspevkov
@braddock Can you share your fixed lot bt? or upload to strategies?
Členom od Mar 22, 2015
32 príspevkov
May 15, 2015 at 13:13
Členom od Mar 22, 2015
32 príspevkov
I have also GMT 3 but no trade ...
Členom od Jan 07, 2015
37 príspevkov
May 15, 2015 at 13:15
Členom od Jan 07, 2015
37 príspevkov
this says 10risk...but that is wrong
when you began, $5000 and the first trade was at 2.3 lots with 100 pip stop loss
0.01 lots and 1 pip = $0.1 ( 10cents)
100 pips = $10 per 0.01 lots
2.3 lots = 2.3lots / 0.01lots x $10 per 0.01 lots
= $2300 stop loss
Risk = $2300 divided by $5000
= 46% risk
now the latest trade is 5.81 lots and the balance is 13269
5.81 lots with 100 pip stop = 5.81lots / 0.01lots x $10 per 0.01 lots
= $5810 stop loss
Risk = $5810 divided by $13269 balance
= 43.7% risk on this current open trade
1. you dont know how to calculate risk
2. you dont care about risk because your system will never reach the stop loss
3. you dont care because this is a DEMO account
when you began, $5000 and the first trade was at 2.3 lots with 100 pip stop loss
0.01 lots and 1 pip = $0.1 ( 10cents)
100 pips = $10 per 0.01 lots
2.3 lots = 2.3lots / 0.01lots x $10 per 0.01 lots
= $2300 stop loss
Risk = $2300 divided by $5000
= 46% risk
now the latest trade is 5.81 lots and the balance is 13269
5.81 lots with 100 pip stop = 5.81lots / 0.01lots x $10 per 0.01 lots
= $5810 stop loss
Risk = $5810 divided by $13269 balance
= 43.7% risk on this current open trade
1. you dont know how to calculate risk
2. you dont care about risk because your system will never reach the stop loss
3. you dont care because this is a DEMO account
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
May 15, 2015 at 13:17
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
RedRhinoLab posted:
@braddock Can you share your fixed lot bt? or upload to strategies?
no sorry, i have not real datas for this account where lazzy ia running...i could compare both version only for 1 month but its not 99%
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
May 15, 2015 at 13:30
(upravené May 15, 2015 at 13:30)
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
RedRhinoLab posted:
@braddock Can you share your fixed lot bt? or upload to strategies?
wait i will test bt 99%
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
May 15, 2015 at 13:32
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
fer_LF posted:
Look at the big losses.....start 2014/1/1 with $200 and 2014/11/5 the balance was $218, 11 months later.....previously on 2014/8/20, almost 9 months after start, the balance was $ 86.47!!....more losses in that moment and goodbye account!!.....I think this EA has to control MUCH MORE the losses.
Atsiekratsie or braddock can post a new bt with fixed lot size?
of course, because dont forget the summertime in bt...when this is wrong your test is wrong
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
May 15, 2015 at 13:38
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
here from april 2014 till sep. 2014
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
May 15, 2015 at 13:42
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
May 15, 2015 at 17:42
Členom od May 03, 2012
226 príspevkov
Členom od Feb 22, 2015
82 príspevkov
May 16, 2015 at 10:18
Členom od Feb 22, 2015
82 príspevkov
These graphs speak for themselves....they did not give me much confidence

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