PPst-K (Od zaff)
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PPst-K Diskusia
Členom od Feb 19, 2010
31 príspevkov
Sep 18, 2012 at 07:44
Členom od Feb 19, 2010
31 príspevkov
Is this a commercial EA? What?
Členom od Nov 30, 2011
3 príspevkov
Jan 31, 2013 at 06:26
Členom od Nov 30, 2011
3 príspevkov
uh sorry about my late answer. yes there are 2 commercial ea's here. one is named kangaroo and the other one is forex real profit i had tested here magic champ and forex growth bot ( you can thank the big drawdown to that) but im trading with the first two ones that i mentioned to you as they tend to have more stable profits and are good at conserving the gains and capital.

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