QFX Master Signals 5 (Od forex_trader_565984)

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QFX Master Signals 5 Diskusia

May 10, 2019 at 13:47
496 Zobrazení
6 Replies
Členom od Oct 08, 2018   141 príspevkov
May 12, 2019 at 05:40
If anyone is interested to copy the trades from this system and want the account available in signalstart, then send a request through myfxbook.

Or you can also send a request to my contact email '[email protected]'
Členom od Oct 08, 2018   141 príspevkov
May 12, 2019 at 05:42
System Description:
1.Minimum Required balance: 1000 USD or 1000 USD cent(10 USD in a Cent account is recommend to start with)
2.Monthly % return: 200% approximately
3.Daily % return: 5% to 10% per day on average
4.Number of trades per day: 50 to 100
5.Maximum floating drawdown: 50%(Maximum Loss at once)
6.Required leverage: 400 or above
7.Curreny pairs: 28 currency Pairs
8.Maximum simultaneous open trades: 70
9.Daily Profit pattern: It targets approximately 5% to 10% profit per day almost 99% of the days and few days it can close in loss.
10.Recommended Broker/Account Type: ECN or standard account with good spread and execution.Good Spread, good executions and high leverage are very important to make good profit with this signal. Brokers: Pepperstone,IC Markets,TradersWay, Axitrader with leverage of 400 or above
11.Trading System type: Semi-Automated Grid trading system. Entries and exits are done by EA as well as manually. Trading happens 24/5 in all 28 currency pairs irrespective of any kind of market conditions or news events etc as long as there is liquidity in the market to make some profit pips to recover the spread.
12.Martingale: No
13.Risk Level: High Risk
Členom od Oct 08, 2018   141 príspevkov
May 12, 2019 at 13:44
Since the trade history is relatively small and hence, it is obvious for someone to be sceptical about the future performance. However, this is a very powerful system thoroughly tested and hence, I will keep on explaining about the trading system to provide a clear understanding about what to expect from the signals and how to get the best out of the signals.

I will recommend to start with a cent account of 10 USD or more and see the results for a week and then, add another 100 USD and that should be enough to recover the monthly signal cost even if you withdraw all profits every month.

Feel free to ask any questions which you may have about the system, brokers, risks or forex trading questions in general which you may have and I will try to answer as much as I can.
Členom od Oct 08, 2018   141 príspevkov
May 13, 2019 at 08:55
I have already provided a brief summary of the system in the second post of this thread. However, it might be difficult to understand for traders who are completely new to forex trading.

So for those who are new to forex trading I will keep explaining all the points which I mentioned in the system description in my future posts one by one.

In this post, I will explain the recommend balance.

I will recommend to start with a 10 USD cent account to start with this system which will be equivalent to a 1000 USD account. I can understand that for a new trader 1000 USD might be a big amount, but in my experience if you are looking to make consistent profit in forex trading without blowing your account, then 1000 USD is the minimum balance you need to start with.

Because in my system you can still start following the signals with a 500 USD balance or even 300 USD balance very easily and very safely for quite long time and the profits can be even better almost double or triple. It means you can make around 10% to 20% profit per day if you multiply the risk by 2 to 3 time.

But one day in future it might blowout if you are not withdrawing profits regularly. So I have kept 1000 USD for complete safety of account balance so you don't need to bother about your account

So if 1000 USD is a big amount for you, then 10 USD to 100 USD balance in a cent account will be the perfect choice for you and you can allow it to grow as much as you want without withdrawing and once your account balance reaches to 1000 USD, you can switch to a good broker.
Členom od Oct 08, 2018   141 príspevkov
May 14, 2019 at 04:57
Due to the ongoing trade war between US and china, there was a complete chaos yesterday in most of the currency pairs both USD pairs as well as non-USD pairs.

However, this system was able to meet the daily profit target by maintaining a reasonable drawdown within the range. I might decrease the risk in future if I will see if the average drawdown will reach to those levels frequently.

But I strongly believe these are just exceptional market conditions and our usual drawdown will be way less than the current drawdown and so I don't have to reduce the risk any more. After I see the results for few more days or weeks, I will decide about decreasing the risk further or not. Apart from that the system is working perfectly as expected and planned.
Členom od Oct 08, 2018   141 príspevkov
May 14, 2019 at 17:12
Till now all the trades from the group of trades which were opened yesterday are not closed, but the system has made an overall small profit for today.

In this post, I will explain about the point no.2 of my system description which is "Monthly % return".

Monthly % return is closely related to daily % return which I will explain in future posts. Also, "Monthly % return" depends on balance drawdown, leverage,spread, slippage of the account.

For any system if the account balance doesn't loose too much irrespective of whatever floating drawdown the system gives, then the chances of making more monthly % return is high. Because every time some % loss happens in the account balance, then more % profit is required to cover the loss. Hence, this system tries close the trades in loss only during exceptional cases.

Also, to make high profit and to place more number of trades simultaneously more free margin is required and hence, more leverage is required. Low spread is very important for high frequency trading system and low spread is one of the key factors which decides the monthly % return.

This is a high frequency trading system and with the current risk set up and 400 leverage in a good broker with good spread, it is very easy to get a monthly return of around 150% to 200% per month.
Členom od Oct 08, 2018   141 príspevkov
May 18, 2019 at 06:31
I just want to update that temporarily I have made this account private since I am doing some settings adjustments with the system and during which I don't want anyone to request for signals.

But soon I might resume trading in this account and might make this account public again once it is ready to be available for signals.

I don't want to just keep changing accounts and hence,most probably I will continue with this account once everything is ready.

I will keep updating regarding the progress.
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