SmartFx Combo (version 2014) (Od SmartFxTechnology)

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SmartFx Combo (version 2014) Diskusia

Apr 16, 2014 at 06:36
511 Zobrazení
1 Replies
Členom od Mar 31, 2014   192 príspevkov
Apr 21, 2014 at 07:26
The only problem is the weekend trades that this robot will not close and can give you bad result for the start of the week. I don't know why their account doesn't show swap fees?
Členom od May 16, 2014   2 príspevkov
Jun 26, 2014 at 13:55
It's a terrible robot! Customer service is good, but their product simply is not profitable. Be careful of extreme profits on their website. This robot is conservative, and makes no money. You won't lose much either, but just waste of time.
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