Tourbillon (Od forex_trader_332302)

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Tourbillon Diskusia

May 28, 2016 at 10:59
5,748 Zobrazení
149 Replies
Členom od Dec 04, 2010   1447 príspevkov
Aug 18, 2016 at 02:02
rob559 posted:
teodosy87 posted:
TRADEFX2016 posted:
teodosy87 posted:
This is why people don't trust so called signal providers with cent account or demo account. I will never put my money with someone that use demo or have $300 in his account. I see many of these people blown accounts and open another one, the problem is the person that put $10k can't just open another demo account. You did very good Elena, showing you know what you are doing. Every good trader should trade big not depend on signals to pay the bill. this is just not serious!

trader will short history is unreliable and should not be followed at first place, as far as trading performance is concern demo/cent/major/trillion dollar account does not matters because pips and DD is always the same.

This statement is just not serious! If does not matter put $100k real money and let see how your trading will be? Forex is more emotional than anything and please don't tell me forex should be boring i have been trading for many years it is not. Actually in Forex just a few mane money most of the people sell dreams, dreams of becoming rich in no time and thats why so many lost all of their money with such gurus. Please do provide an account with $100k and show same results with your demo account and i will agree with you until then .... History does not matter only good MM and having skin in the game does! If you have nothing to lose you tend to trade different. Just yesterday i saw $250k vanish from a PAMM in which the manager had $300 invested. I bet if he had $100k in the Pamm the account would still be present. Same happened with a $5 000 000 PAMM the manager had $3k invested and the account now stands at $300k so more than $ 4 700 000 lost at about 2 months. Having big investment yourself shows dedication and different mindset if of course you are serious about this. Take care :)

agree with that teodosy87
one become much more scrupulus when our own acc is big than a demo or a cent acc,become much more dedicated to not take stupid risks than otherwise no matter what brokers think of your own acc
agreed I never follow demo or cent accounts. It shows a lack of the provider risking his own funds, completely different emotions / mindset / discipline required when trading larger your own funds. I trade 6 figure accounts, never had issues with slippage accept if at major news time. If you are regularly getting bad slippage change broker... don't move to cent account haha. good luck Elena, I really hope you can keep up the performance. cheers
Členom od Feb 10, 2016   12 príspevkov
Aug 18, 2016 at 04:09
Well i beg to differ i do not know how smart they are, i see them come and go. Smart are those who make millions and for sure these are not people with with demo and cent accounts. :)
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 18, 2016 at 05:46
I'm trying to show you with a big capital that is serious account and i'm not here to sell dream or commercial EA.
The subscription will be limited at 10 followers, not more.
Thank you

Elena Chopin
Členom od Jul 08, 2014   411 príspevkov
Aug 18, 2016 at 05:51
TradeFX, you've had 46% DD aiming for just 3 pips and are holding EURUSD positions into the news. It's a $5 account.

Yes people with money aren't always the best, but they usually do better than those without.
Keep at it
Členom od Jul 08, 2014   411 príspevkov
Aug 18, 2016 at 05:55
Thank you.

Lets not digress from Elena's account, which is doing well and has lots of $ because their max DD is under 14%. I like this account.
Keep at it
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 18, 2016 at 18:18
Členom od Feb 11, 2011   1768 príspevkov
Aug 18, 2016 at 20:37
good job lady ..way to go..good control of the acc..😄
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 19, 2016 at 06:31
rob559 posted:
good job lady ..way to go..good control of the acc..😄

Thank you Rob :)

Elena Chopin
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 19, 2016 at 09:26

Have a good weekend.

Elena Chopin

Členom od May 04, 2012   1534 príspevkov
Aug 21, 2016 at 14:43 (upravené Aug 21, 2016 at 15:02)
It would be even nicer if no Martingale were involved.

Martingaling itself is not an edge (if it were, we would be all millionaires), so if this strategy has a real edge, this edge could be exploited without Martingale MM, too.

Doing so would definitely increase the real and commercial value of the strategy as many traders/investors run for the exit when they hear "Martingale".
Please click "Vouch" if you liked my post. If not, just put me on your Blocked list. :o)
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 22, 2016 at 05:43
Good morning ;)

New week. With a lot of news this week again. Still focus.

Elena Chopin
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 22, 2016 at 16:21
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 24, 2016 at 12:56
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 24, 2016 at 13:25
80$ to follow my signal now

Elena Chopin
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2016 at 09:59
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2016 at 21:29
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 30, 2016 at 09:24
Hello everybody,

If you open an account and follow my signal with this link, i can give you the best price to follow my signal (30$) :

Elena Chopin
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 30, 2016 at 17:06
Členom od May 28, 2016   192 príspevkov
Aug 30, 2016 at 19:24
Hello everybody,

I will be on holiday from 1 september to 12 september. No trading during this week.
See you after 12 september ;)


Elena Chopin
Členom od Feb 11, 2011   1768 príspevkov
Aug 30, 2016 at 22:16 (upravené Aug 30, 2016 at 22:17)
have a good one,be missing you😀
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