TrendScalping EA (Od forex_trader_122035)

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TrendScalping EA Diskusia

Aug 20, 2015 at 14:11
7,162 Zobrazení
159 Replies
Členom od Feb 11, 2011   1768 príspevkov
Oct 09, 2015 at 20:04
the stop loss will be your acc wiped out
Členom od May 20, 2011   694 príspevkov
Oct 09, 2015 at 20:06
rob559 posted:
the stop loss will be your acc wiped out
Yep pretty much lol seen this story million times
Členom od Mar 25, 2015   93 príspevkov
Oct 09, 2015 at 20:07
@FXtrader2010 There is really no need to be suspicious, as i looked at the current drawdown on this account and it's somewhere near 3% and has achieved 411 winning trades in a row.

As a TrendScalpingEA user i'm seeing how it's possible and why this bot is showing such high ratio of winning/losing trades. It's because this strategy has very good design/core idea, where the EA trades only when the trend is established and direction of the trend is clear. At the same time, the strategy does care about extremely good entries where the reward/risk is huge and there are volatility and time exits that tend to be very pricise and the trade is closed in profit before any countermovement will occure.

I don't want to make any advertisment on this EA, but with this bot it's very unlikely to be unprofitable in medium/long term.
Členom od May 20, 2011   694 príspevkov
Oct 09, 2015 at 20:12
If it was actually trading with the trend, the win rate would be much below 50%, and be a much more volatile equity curve. It is statically impossible have high win rate when trading the trend because the forex market remains in a range over 50% of the time! Unless of course you martingale in. To try and think you can be smarter than the market by 'data mining/backtesting' is ridiculous.

And anything with the name scalping in it I have learned to stay far far away from. So enjoy your EA!

And on top, if it was soo good, why would it be advertised all over here to sell?
Členom od Mar 25, 2015   93 príspevkov
Oct 10, 2015 at 07:26
@FXtrader2010 i guess you are standing yourself on the cable and you need to visit the doctor for a new glasses as you have missed all the answers to your questions:

If it was actually trading with the trend, the win rate would be much below 50%, and be a much more volatile equity curve.

Not true, it's your gut statistics, because win rate really depends on many parameters: between others entry, stoploss, TP.

It is statically impossible have high win rate when trading the trend because the forex market remains in a range over 50% of the time! Unless of course you martingale in.

What's so hard to understand on the fact, that the strategy filters out only trending instruments with good reward/risk opportunity before EA starts trading? There is no martingale involved.

To try and think you can be smarter than the market by 'data mining/backtesting' is ridiculous.

Another good joke from your side. All the trading knowledge is contained in the historical data and history repeats itself in the future and certain patterns tend to occur more often than other.
Členom od Apr 13, 2013   34 príspevkov
Oct 10, 2015 at 12:19


I'm getting often the questions:

Q: That although TrendScalpingEA is showing incredible performance over last 4 months, it hit 50% drawdown sometimes during that period.

A: This was caused by trading multple instruments at once (parallelly) and countertrend movement in main trend. All the risk can be set with the parameters before the EA is deployed and it's possible to hit very small drawdown (but of course also smaller gain).
Členom od May 20, 2011   694 príspevkov
Oct 10, 2015 at 12:21
applesia1990 posted:

A: This was caused by trading multple instruments at once (parallelly) and countertrend movement in main trend. All the risk can be set with the parameters before the EA is deployed and it's possible to hit very small drawdown (but of course also smaller gain).

thank you, will be watching, cheers
Členom od Mar 17, 2015   39 príspevkov
Oct 11, 2015 at 06:01
I just noticed this system has lost zero trades.... O.O
That throws up some red flags. I'm sorry, I know this could be a legitimate system that works, but I just am skeptical by nature. I would definitely have to do some testing before I could be comfortable using this.
Členom od Apr 13, 2013   34 príspevkov
Oct 11, 2015 at 12:57

I would call it semiautomatic EA. First you need to use the strategy we have been talking about in point 1 and find out the instruments that are trending and you like most. Some trends are already in the middle, some just starting, some after bigger correction, some ending etc. The strategy is built on weekly timeframe, so after signal it gives usually 2 or more week’s continuous trading time (some of the trends lasts months). This however doesn't mean bot itself is trading on weekly timeframe. Bot trades real-time on tick charts, so we can say its timeframe independent.

There are risk parameters which you can adjust; the bot trader needs to set up before he deploys the bot on the instrument. Setting stoploss isn't mandatory, because more important exit rules are coming from the strategy itself, which are defining the state of the trend. TP on the other hand specifies if the bot should trade for bigger amount of pips or smaller.

Once you bought the EA, you can use it on any demo trading account but only on ONE live trading account.
Členom od Sep 14, 2012   59 príspevkov
Oct 12, 2015 at 16:56
What happens if I want to run your EA on 5 trading accounts? Should I buy 5 licenses? or what is your suggested solution?
Členom od Apr 13, 2013   34 príspevkov
Oct 13, 2015 at 05:35


In case multiple licenses are bought, first one if for full price and every next with 50% discount. You can only request subsequent license using the same email when you bought the first license.

Thank you
Členom od Mar 25, 2015   93 príspevkov
Oct 13, 2015 at 06:05

I bought the bot and i can run it on as many instruments as I want parallel. There is only restriction to use it on 1 live trading account. Inside account, there are no further restrictions.
Členom od Mar 25, 2015   93 príspevkov
Oct 15, 2015 at 06:03

I just hit 1000% gain on my live trading account thanks to your bot TrendScalpingEA. 😁
Členom od Dec 11, 2009   94 príspevkov
Oct 15, 2015 at 09:59
JojoW posted:

I just hit 1000% gain on my live trading account thanks to your bot TrendScalpingEA. 😁

how come this ea make 100%+ on 12th and 300%+ on 13th oct? you increased lot size? your equity shows 64%, dont think it will blow your acc?
More profit with lower risk is my strategy
Členom od Mar 25, 2015   93 príspevkov
Oct 15, 2015 at 11:05
The beauty of this EA is, that you can set any risk you want and pick any trending pairs you like (based on the strategy, that comes in trading guide when bought EA). Basically every trader of EA will have different performance based on what he chosen.

I personally like very risky trading with high rewards. So i'm managing the risk.
Členom od Nov 02, 2009   77 príspevkov
Oct 16, 2015 at 01:11
how many currency pair you are using?
Členom od Nov 02, 2009   77 príspevkov
Oct 16, 2015 at 02:07
Hi Apple

I notice you are start sharing your forum on 19 Sep 2014 and your trading record is starts Jul 2015.
I guess you have blow out your account from 19 Sep 2014 to June 2015.
I read your blog about aik wei show as per attached. I guess maybe the account blow out starting from April 2015.


Členom od Apr 13, 2013   34 príspevkov
Oct 16, 2015 at 02:24 (upravené Oct 16, 2015 at 02:24)

The screenshot you attached is not my account. Is from a earlier customer which bought the EA before i decide to start promoting my EA on myfxbook.

It is posted as Proof of the EA working. Meaning to proof this is a working EA and not a useless EA.

My account is as shown in this topic.
Členom od Nov 02, 2009   77 príspevkov
Oct 16, 2015 at 02:41
1) will it blow up the account in the future for your EA?
2) can it be used for tickmill brokers with commission?
3) how many currency pair you are using?
Členom od Jan 09, 2014   107 príspevkov
Oct 16, 2015 at 02:43
do you offer trial ? because when i check your account with other who bought this ea seen you make it private . scalper is a risk ea . maybe you can make it for rent in
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