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www.magicfxrobot.com (Od EURUSD)

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www.magicfxrobot.com Diskusia

Sep 25, 2011 at 18:05
5,228 Zobrazení
33 Replies
Členom od Oct 28, 2009   1409 príspevkov
Oct 28, 2011 at 09:42
It's interesting that my message was completely neutral and yet you decided to defend yourself.
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
Členom od May 02, 2010   17 príspevkov
Oct 28, 2011 at 09:56
No, I am not defending myself. No need for that.

As you can see most of the time I ignore those message since this brings nothing. New people come and go and repeat the same story, so it's waste of my time. And most of the concerns are not about the robot itself, but that I use Aliases, or have many websites, or don't show the address (it's shown actually on a Japanese website since Japanese law requires it, but other countries don't). People are very naive and primitive so it's waste of my time writing responses to all stupid questions.

The biggest problem is always multitude of the websites, names, etc. This is the proof for something, not the robot performance itself.

You Steve and some other educated guys are normal conversation partners, the rest are casino goers who want a quick buck and blame everybody for their misfortune including the waitress in the casino.
Členom od Oct 22, 2011   7 príspevkov
Nov 04, 2011 at 10:44
i will belive if you open real account on fxclearing... if your ea is work in thats broker i will buy your ea in amount $5000

you can see performance my best ea i use :
Členom od Nov 03, 2011   2 príspevkov
Nov 05, 2011 at 09:31
fx robot team don't you have a trial version of which may be valid for a month? i really wan to try it first..
a mega building was started by a brick
Členom od Oct 20, 2011   3 príspevkov
Nov 06, 2011 at 19:35
Yes demo version would not prevent, at least a month , what would the test it in practice?
Členom od Jul 03, 2010   151 príspevkov
Nov 08, 2011 at 03:41 (upravené Nov 08, 2011 at 03:42)
The seller dare to manage accounts of clients on profit share basis?

If the EA work on real accounts, he can become be richest person in the world .....instead of selling for $2000
Členom od Oct 22, 2011   7 príspevkov
Nov 08, 2011 at 15:00
i'm sure you will not sell the ea if it good working to recomended broker,, you will use it for private...

Členom od Oct 07, 2011   10 príspevkov
Nov 09, 2011 at 15:49

winnerforex posted:
The seller dare to manage accounts of clients on profit share basis?

If the EA work on real accounts, he can become be richest person in the world .....instead of selling for $2000

I am ready to pay even 90% if the seller manages my account on profit share basis.
Členom od Oct 20, 2011   3 príspevkov
Nov 09, 2011 at 17:03
is there no one of those who bought this robot?
I would like to listen to people who acquire it and use in the trade or vice versa does not use
Členom od Jul 03, 2010   151 príspevkov
Nov 11, 2011 at 05:28

evangeline posted:

winnerforex posted:
The seller dare to manage accounts of clients on profit share basis?

If the EA work on real accounts, he can become be richest person in the world .....instead of selling for $2000

I am ready to pay even 90% if the seller manages my account on profit share basis.

I have asked him many times to manage my account. He simply denied... Because he knows he cannot make profit in real account
Členom od Apr 22, 2011   19 príspevkov
Nov 14, 2011 at 16:02
Dear Winnerfx ,
never ever let him manage your account , he will burst it with in 1-2 days for sure as he did with me last year , my $2k account was bursted by him and took $500 as advance profit also and never returned as that was refundable
Členom od Jul 03, 2010   151 príspevkov
Nov 17, 2011 at 18:20
There is no chance to expel him from myfxbook?
Členom od Nov 17, 2011   14 príspevkov
Nov 17, 2011 at 19:11

winnerforex posted:

evangeline posted:

winnerforex posted:
The seller dare to manage accounts of clients on profit share basis?

If the EA work on real accounts, he can become be richest person in the world .....instead of selling for $2000

I am ready to pay even 90% if the seller manages my account on profit share basis.

I have asked him many times to manage my account. He simply denied... Because he knows he cannot make profit in real account

So... you know the guy is no good and you still want him to manage your account. What kind of idiot are you? You guys get what you ask for. Losers!
Členom od Oct 07, 2011   10 príspevkov
Nov 19, 2011 at 02:55

mrWoland posted:

winnerforex posted:

evangeline posted:

winnerforex posted:
The seller dare to manage accounts of clients on profit share basis?

If the EA work on real accounts, he can become be richest person in the world .....instead of selling for $2000

I am ready to pay even 90% if the seller manages my account on profit share basis.

I have asked him many times to manage my account. He simply denied... Because he knows he cannot make profit in real account

So... you know the guy is no good and you still want him to manage your account. What kind of idiot are you? You guys get what you ask for. Losers!

Oh Mr.Tubelight, I think you havent got my point. I made that bold comment just to prove that his robot is incompetent and he will not have the guts to accept my 90% offer... Go through my previous comments also.
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