In the years after 1980, India has experienced prolonged trade deficits, which have been primarily caused by the rapid rise in imports, particularly of mineral fuels, oils and waxes, and bituminous substances, as well as pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, and jewelry. Most recently, China, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Indonesia were the countries with the largest trade deficits. India has surpluses in trade with the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam.

Hodnoty vyššie, ako sa očakáva, by sa mali považovať za pozitívne (býčie) pre INR a pod očakávané hodnoty by sa mali považovať za negatívne (medvedie) pre INR.

Kategória:  Balance of Trade
Jednotky:  Miliarda
Dopad: Stredný
Mena: INR
Najnovšie vydanie
Predchádzajúce: -$20.8B
Konsenzus: -$22B
Aktuálne: -$27.1B
Ďalšie vydanie
Dátum: Dec 16, 10:00
Zostávajúci čas: 22 dni