Spain Inflation Rate YoY
Food and non-alcoholic beverages, which account for 20% of the total weight, is the major categories in the consumer price index in Spain, followed by transportation, which accounts for 15% of the total weight, housing & utilities, accounting for 13%, and hotels, cafes & restaurants, which contributes for 12% of the total weight. In addition, recreation and culture (9 percent), other products and services (7 percent), and apparel and footwear (6 percent) are represented in the index (7 percent) are also categories included in the index. The remaining 18% of the total weight is composed of furnishings, domestic equipment, and routine housekeeping, health, communications, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, and education.
Hodnoty vyššie, ako sa očakáva, by sa mali považovať za pozitívne (býčie) pre EUR a pod očakávané hodnoty by sa mali považovať za negatívne (medvedie) pre EUR.
Symbol | Komunitný trend (Short vs Long) | Symbol Popularity | Priemer. Krátka cena / Vzdialenosť od ceny | Priemerná long cena / Vzdialenosť od ceny | Súčasná cena | |
1.0375 -1 pips |
1.0684 -308 pips |
1.03759 | |
1.6446 -244 pips |
1.6698 -8 pips |
1.66900 | |
154.9674 -595 pips |
163.1382 -222 pips |
160.917 | |
1.4851 -217 pips |
1.5032 +36 pips |
1.50679 | |
0.9414 -33 pips |
0.9660 -213 pips |
0.94474 | |
0 -251816 pips |
25.1182 +634 pips |
25.18160 | |
0.8352 -15 pips |
0.8407 -40 pips |
0.83667 | |
399.7580 -792 pips |
406.0367 +164 pips |
407.67 | |
11.4206 -3188 pips |
11.7142 +252 pips |
11.7394 | |
1.8045 -339 pips |
1.8410 -26 pips |
1.83845 |