Tunisia's economy is dominated by the services sector, which accounts for 64% of GDP, following by government services which account for 21%, internal commerce accounts for 10%, transport accounts for 7%, and financial services account for 25%. 26% of total wealth is represented by the industrial sector, including manufacturing which accounts for 16%, construction (4%), and oil and natural gas production (3%). The production of olives, wheat, barley, tomatoes, citrus, sugar beets, dates, and almonds, as well as the processing of these products contributes to 10% of the GDP primary sector.

Hodnoty vyššie, ako sa očakáva, by sa mali považovať za pozitívne (býčie) pre TND a pod očakávané hodnoty by sa mali považovať za negatívne (medvedie) pre TND.

Kategória:  GDP Annual Growth Rate
Jednotky:  Percent
Dopad: Nízke
Mena: TND
Najnovšie vydanie
Predchádzajúce: 1%
Konsenzus: 1.8%
Aktuálne: 1.8%
Ďalšie vydanie
Dátum: Feb 17, 12:00
Zostávajúci čas: 6 dni
Konsenzus: 2.1%