FIPFX Global
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Made 7 % in managed account in January for fx prophet, better than my personal trading for Jan, great start to the year !
Glad to find fipfx global , started trading full time on my own last year, and they have been great. Cheers!
Just starting with them in December , getting a solid .9 pips on EUR/USD and its been holding pretty well on news even though I dont trade it, it's nice to know. Got 5% on my deposit but it has round turn conditions...surprise surprise , right?
I see good things here. I am surprised and hoping nothing goes wrong
1.2 pips on my eur/usd pretty much all the time , trading news has been reliable even on fomc last month , i tested their withdrawal process and got funds in 24 hrs - testing higher volume news trades in feb to see if they stay consistent before bringing any significant capital over but right now its cheaper and better execution than forex.com and ibfx by a quite a lot.
Very good broker so far. Staff seems to be knowledgeable and the services are exceptional, i found them because I use Max McKegg out of New Zeeland for advisory services , trying out the algo trading service the intelligent trader since last fall , making profits but slowly. has anyone here put money into the managed accounts ? cheers quang nguyen
I had a live account through another ILQ partner in the US and recently switched to FIPFX GLOBAL so I could trade gold & silver. Nothing to complain about, although I am confused about why their spreads are so much better given they are not a direct broker, maybe they just are willing to give up more than other IB's > I'd say give them a try if you are looking for a no frills broker with lower spreads, maybe not the best broker for a new trader though since they dont do any education.
Very good spreads and customer service! Wish they had more tools and products to offer, but I like what I see so far on my live account. They also offer spot gold and silver besides forex. Anyone else trade with FIPFX Global? Would love to hear what other people's experiences have been with them. Thanks.