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More about Bank Mafia (SEB Bank) that like destroy companys-brokers or traders that win money without problems, and people that purchase real money to his hand (like precious metals)
22 October 2016
The Swedish tax authority has now issued a claim for VAT against Liberty Silver OÜ.
Liberty Silver OÜ has appealed the claim and the outcome will be decided by Swedish court (Förvaltningsrätten).
We are confident that we will win the case as the tax authority's claim of us shipping items to Sweden is false and there is thus no basis for the Swedish tax auhority to retroactively charge us with VAT.
We will keep you updated on this page as soon as there are any further developments. The Swedish court system is unfortunately rather slow and we do not know currently when the ruling can be expected.
5 September 2016
This is an update in regards to the precautionary measure taken by the Swedish tax authority against Liberty Silver OÜ.
Liberty Silver OÜ has appealed the precautionary measure of the company's bank accounts being frozen. No tax claim has to date been issued against the company by the Swedish tax authority.
Liberty Silver OÜ is confident that the precautionary measure will be revoked either by:
a) the company successfully appealing the precautionary measure or
b) the Swedish tax authority not bringing forward any tax claim or
c) the company successfully appealing any tax claim brought forward.
We would like to re-emphasize that the arguments brought forward by the tax authority for applying the precautionary measure are false and incorrect. The maximum time frame for the precautionary measure is six months.
We will keep you updated on this page as soon as there are any new developments.
28 July 2016
We regret to inform that we temporarily do not accept new orders starting 25 July 2016. The reason is that the Swedish tax authority aggressively based on false and fictitious claims try to hinder us from offering our products to our customers. The harassment this company and other bullion related companies are facing from Swedish authorities are unprecedented and unrighteous. We intend to defend ourselves from these false allegations to the fullest extent possible under law.
Liberty Silver OÜ has since its inception in 2011 abided by all rules and regulations with a perfect track record. The company has been subject to several checks, audits and inspections from different government authorities without any remarks whatsoever.
The Estonian tax authority started an audit against Liberty Silver OÜ 27 March 2014. The audit stretched for more than 2 years, which in itself was exhausting for a small company like Liberty Silver OÜ, but the audit did not provide any reason for concern as we know that we meticulously following all rules and regulations.
The tax audit was concluded on 29 March 2016 without any tax changes or remarks whatsoever.
Following the end of the tax audit, it has become apparent that the Estonian tax authority’s audit was conducted, at least partly, based on a request from the Swedish tax authority.
Contention of the Swedish Tax Authority
The Swedish tax authority has through a so called precautionary measure stated that it intends to file a claim in Swedish court against Liberty Silver OÜ contending that Liberty Silver OÜ should be liable for VAT in Sweden on the basis of Liberty Silver OÜ delivering precious metals to customers in Sweden. As all customers to Liberty Silver OÜ are aware, precious metals sold by Liberty Silver OÜ are delivered in Estonia solely. The customer can choose whether to pick up the products in Estonia themselves or instruct a shipping company to pick up the products on the customer’s behalf. It is and has always been a very strict policy for Liberty Silver OÜ to, without any exceptions whatsoever, only deliver products in Estonia.
The VAT claim against Liberty Silver OÜ has not been filed by the Swedish tax authority yet and Liberty Silver OÜ has thus not been given any opportunity to defend or even respond to the VAT claim.
Despite this, the Swedish tax authority has through the use of a so called precautionary measure had the company’s bank accounts frozen. A precautionary measure is a temporary measure that can only be maintained as long as the precautionary measure isn’t revoked or until the Swedish court has ruled on the VAT taxation matter.
Liberty Silver OÜ will Fight for Justice
The basis for the claim of the precautionary measure of temporarily blocking the company’s bank accounts as filed in court by the Swedish tax authority, which the company was also not allowed to defend before it was carried out, is absolutely horrendous in terms of incorrect, false and directly made up allegations against the company.
Liberty Silver OÜ will fight these outrageous allegations both by appealing the precautionary measure and defend the VAT tax claim. We are confident that we will succeed in defending ourselves from the allegations.
In the meantime, we regret that we cannot take orders and kindly ask for your patience.
Whether this is a concerted effort from Swedish authorities to try to shut down precious metals dealers, we leave up to the reader to form an opinion about. It is however a known fact that Swedish authorities take extremely aggressive actions seeking to hinder the operation of precious metals dealers seemingly not caring about whether their allegations are lawfully fact-based or fictitiously made up.
FXIPS guaranteed for sure the funds of the clients that invested in precious metals, in precious metals. The profits of several million obtained in the operated funds, and the reinvestment of the money in precious metals outside the digital market, did not go unnoticed the strategy and by how it finished everything 2 years later, it is clear that this is one of the cases Of corruption better documented against winning Traders and Brokers who are not market maker. SEB never returned the benefits obtained or the commissions to the clients, Liberty and IPS. So SEB it´s a big scam bank and destroy reputation of honorable people and companys.
SEB Bank mafia
With European capital scrambling into gold following BREXIT, the cartel just played their hand.
The plan this time is NOT door-to-door confiscation, but simply to SHUT DOWN the best gold and silver dealers the moment the public begins to wake up…
The cartel have tipped their hand. The plan is not to come after your gold and silver coins, it is to shut down the gold and silver dealers themselves, and prevent access of safe haven capital flows from reaching the safety of gold and silver bullion.
Case in point? Sweden’s largest gold and silver dealer Tavex Guld & Valuta, whose bank accounts were suddenly closed Thursday without notice by Swedish bank SEB due to ‘a general business decision’.
Notice posted on Tavex Guld & Valuta’s website that as of 15:30 on June 30th 2016, they can no longer accept bank deposits or transfers as SEB has shut down their accounts without notice, leaving the PM firm scrambling to set up alternate payment systems
Warning of change in Tavex AB’s payment
Best customer,
We hereby announce that as of 15:30, Thursday, June 30, 2016, we can no longer accept bank transfers or bank deposits for gold and silver to our Swedish SEB account.
The reason for this is that SEB – at very short notice – informed us that they will close down our bank account. This decision has, unfortunately, been made without first consulting us, and in addition to state in its notification letter that the decision to close our account due to “a general business decisions,” they have not yet given us any concrete reason why they decided to take this measure .
The banking system in Sweden is operated however vigorously towards a cashless society, as you probably are aware of, and Tavex has, as one of the largest wholesale suppliers of physical notes and investment metals in Sweden, as we see it become a target for the major commercial banks.
With that said, we are working frantically to set up a new payment system that we believe will be operational in two to three weeks.
The strategy makes perfect sense from the cartel’s point of view. While stackers worry about a gold and silver confiscation event, the concern for the elite in today’s financial world is not the 0.1% that own precious metals, it is keeping physical gold and silver out of the hands the gradually awakening masses. (Particularly when they’re suddenly awaken via an event like BREXIT or bail-ins)
In fact, the plan has already been tested and implemented in the US and is simply lying dormant awaiting the Go Signal, under the program Operation Choke Point.
If you haven’t acquired your financial insurance before the financial crisis hits, don’t expect the elite to allow you to acquire them when TSHTF.
What's the date you can take the funds from Matthew's PAMM? Are you sure It's not a scam included IPS and the fund manager?
Hello , Kahalsi
when I start I had this problem but after I can withdrawls, don't worry my friend all is ok,
yes me
I would like to know if someone has any experience with withdrawals from IPS?
Thank you.
I opened with IPS over 2 months ago, I was with another major broker but suffered severe spread enlargement, I have found that with this broker similar trades, in similar market conditions, I am satisfied with this broker.
Good spreads, and good service is what I have experienced, and am glad to have my account with fxips.
I started trading with real-Services International PAMM account. I am interested in trading conditions, especially spreads. But what I like most is his PAMM service at any bank in the world.
They informed me about the technology created by these gentlemen, that to be able to open a pamm at any bank in the world, and that's a wonderful thing, clear on paper, but in practice there is already someone that we can have such fared with this service?
I have been trading with this broker. So far they have managed to keep their service quality on same level as before. I have made some withdrawals and so far it has been processed within 30 minutes.
This broker is SCAM! There is a gang applying blow through that and through brokerage accounts manipulated in myfxbook to attract investors! See that people who commented are all fake accounts already excluded in myfxbook!
Very good broker, its very easy win easy money only making shorts in Public Pamms with little leverage.