Forex Megadroid
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It’s actually a scam, this company took all my money, I was told I’m making good profits, I invested and all was almost gone then I met James Rodriguez at cyber-wizard dt com after seeing a review here testifying of he’s good work to recover scammed money then I contacted him, and everything tuned to be true, so true
I've been running megadroid live since the month it came out. 435 trades 35 losses winning trades are avg 86% more than losing trades. Like I said, I have the very first version and have not changed to new versions.
Err, no thanks:
I just got an email from ClearFX signals spouting MegaDroid as the latest and greatest artificial intelligence robot! WTF!!! It's old and not to mention - absolute crap!
Any latest result ?
too risky. It takes small profits and HUGE losses.
I've turned both Megadroid and Pipjet off. They both made small gains, but they'll risk $200 to make $5 (as an example) I think there's much better robots out there - even free ones that are much better.
never took a single trade one live accounts. demo results different to whats experienced live. Had to get refund for the sister EA pipjet as Pipjet is moodified megadroid even looking at the manual there is still reference to megadroid. Vendor hesitant to process refund straight away. Maybe I got the whole set up wrong followed everything vendor said but still no joy.
Yeah. Check here: http://megadroidresults.com This guy is running MD of several live accounts.
Hi guys, any updates on MD trading? Does anyone has a live account with it?
Just trying to figure out if it worth trying.
I would be interested in seeing that list Viktoras.. Thanks.
YV - totally agree, with EA's same as whole FX trading, it does not work in short term. :)
Anyhow, i can suggest some robots if u interested, that have traded for me with very good results.
Yes, but only like the long term EA.
Short term EAs don't really work well.
Hi, I see you recommended megadroid. Do you still recommend it ? I have forex account ready, vps ready, just looking for a good EA. Would you advise me megadroid?
Thanks :)
I have tried it through the guys from mt5-ea last month, got some reasonable performance but wouldn't really buy into it. There are better ones around.
Then you should not buy this robot. There's nothing to discuss anymore.
Please stop publishing non-verified accs, nobody will trust them 😀
Anyway, looking at these accounts I can say that I can perform better manually 😝
Probably problems with EUR due to Greece crisis.
> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/lovefx/megadroid/115353
Not sure what's the risklevel setting there. It may be too big.
Alpari Uk is not the best broker for MD. It has requotes sometimes.
> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/Harri/megadroid-micro-account-test/81440
He traded with these robots: Megadroid 1.21 N1 Adt , Megadroid 1.30 ,Swissy-accu scaper, Forex Scalpa, Megadroid Pro Xe N1, Fap Turbo Mod B at the same account. 600 trades during 1 month. This is not MD...
> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/forex4crewrobots/monk-megadroidpersonal-trading-alpari-uk/131106
This is not Megadroid. A lot of currencies there. MD trades EURUSD only.
> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/Abago/megadroid/188325
30 trades since November - very few, seems that the broker is bad. Account balance is less than $200 - very small to make any profits.
> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/Scherzo_x357/forexmegadroid/190589
It's not the Megadroid. Too many trades on different currencies...
> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/miskolci/investechfx-real-cloverixmegadroid/86688
It's not Megadroid. It is "CloveriX+MegaDroid". I have no idea what is that...
> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/pris/dd-megadroid/7666
It's not Megadroid.
> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/droidtactics/adt-megadroid-live/17811
This is not Megadroid. This is Droidtactics. This system is not working. People set wrong gmtoffset to trade megadroid with droid tactics manual. That's why trades are losing...
> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/silver06/megadroid-silver/193912
This is not Megadroid. Many trades on many currencies...
> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/mero_egy/megadroid-fxdd/26699
This is not Megadroid alone. This guy trades in loss manually together with Megadroid. Look at trades' comments.
> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/humanfly/megadroid-%EF%BD%8D%EF%BD%84%EF%BD%90wsfr/196296
Megadroid ,MDP&WSFR - not megadroid alone. Trades are private...
As you all can see. This statements are not correct example of Megadroid trading!
DON'T TRUST ANYONE. CHECK YOURSELF AND DECIDE TO BUY OR NOT. You always have 60 days for refund.