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JPY strength
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
Sep 12, 2013 at 23:54
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
It is an error to look for reasons to describe a move as the forex market is not rational itself.
Sep 24, 2013 at 11:09
Medlem sedan Sep 24, 2013
36 inlägg
Well, there could be some explanations. For example the economic reports from Japan are very optimistic. They show the potential growth of Japanese economy for 5-7%. Which pretty good for developed countries.
Medlem sedan Sep 25, 2013
23 inlägg
Sep 25, 2013 at 12:42
Medlem sedan Sep 25, 2013
23 inlägg
CrazyTrader posted:
It is an error to look for reasons to describe a move as the forex market is not rational itself.
True. Even if there are any reasons, they don't really matters, since the currency price is formed mainly by the supply demand ratio. Imagine the situation, when Japanese economy suddenly rose for 100% in one day, but nobody new about that. The price for JPY won't change until everybody realize that it is good time to buy.

*Kommersiell användning och skräppost tolereras inte och kan leda till att kontot avslutas.
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