Trading and being in the green most of the time. Is it at all possible?

Apr 25, 2012 at 20:25
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6 Replies
Medlem sedan Nov 10, 2011   4 inlägg
Apr 25, 2012 at 20:25 (redigerad Apr 25, 2012 at 20:16)
This is a quest that's I've been on for the last 16 years. Now I know the answer to that question, but it wasn't always like that.
It takes time to get there, moving through the jungle of wanna be traders, cheats, and several dozen of useless trading books. Before you say that trading books are worth something think again. If someone is good, really good, he or she is not interested in writing a book, period. There is much greater reward awaiting good traders and lots of free time. What do you think, what's your experience before you finally reached that level, that you no longer look elsewhere?
Medlem sedan Nov 10, 2011   4 inlägg
Apr 25, 2012 at 20:27
Here are a couple of my trading projects, I enjoy every now and then.

I'm curious to hear your story... if you ARE successful.
Medlem sedan Feb 18, 2011   8 inlägg
Apr 26, 2012 at 02:58 (redigerad Apr 26, 2012 at 02:59)
The inquisitive mind wants to learn it all. That why it takes so long, there is so may avenues to explore. Along with surely it can not be that simple....
Study the Squeeze
Medlem sedan Nov 10, 2011   4 inlägg
Apr 26, 2012 at 08:44
I'd say the biggest obstacle to overcome is one's mind and ego. Once a trader takes that aside, the sky is a limit. At least based on my experience. Out of curiosity I checked zulu performance a while back and was disappointed reading messages from some of the top (pun intended) traders. I understand, many would love to know how, but majority doesn't know how, hence they become followers. Nothing wrong with this, I go o a doctor when I'm sick, but reading some of those comments, from gurus like cruise control makes me think how naive the following crowd really is, and how desperate they want to make their equity grow.
If they only knew that the real key is in psychology of a trade, they would perhaps gone places in forex.
Looking back in time (for me) it was 50% know how and 50% Now it's more like this:
1. know how = 5% (every one knows how to click a mouse and chances are 50/50)
2. trading psychology (read mass psychology) = 60%
3. money management = 30%
4. lady luck 5%
5. ego = 0% (that was actually my biggest enemy in the past :-) )

Anyways, I know what I am and what I'm capable of. I was more interested in what others do to make their trading 'wishes' come true...
Medlem sedan Nov 10, 2011   4 inlägg
Apr 26, 2012 at 11:31
I've got few PMs asking about systems I use and tips. It would be a repetition since I over the years on forexfactory as raczekfx. Most of it is buried in James16 chart thread. It would simple take too much of my time to repost all of it here, but there are some good bits and pieces in a mentioned thread if you care to do some digging.
Medlem sedan Aug 16, 2010   450 inlägg
Apr 26, 2012 at 18:56
I would say being in the green most of the time is irrelevant. What relevant is make more than you lose. You can be in green +1000 one week and the next two -100 each, and this is how real traders work. You don't need to be right. You need to be in money.
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.
Medlem sedan May 10, 2012   71 inlägg
May 11, 2012 at 07:23
I was fortunate enough to meet someone a couple of years ago who taught me a whole lot about the currency markets. Strangely enough the % of what it takes to be a successful trader matches up pretty closely to what racscave has said.
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