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Whose straddling Fx news?
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
Jul 23, 2014 at 21:17
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
ahuruglica posted:
You see good news and market interprets as a bad thing.
Market has clearly anticipated the good news month ago.

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 23, 2014 at 21:27
(redigerad Jul 23, 2014 at 21:29)
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Yes, probably the news was already priced in.
How did your EA do? Price went one way straight, it must be a good thing. To bad the news was on NY close, many brokers pause trading for a few seconds to calculate swaps? Did you had any trouble?
How did your EA do? Price went one way straight, it must be a good thing. To bad the news was on NY close, many brokers pause trading for a few seconds to calculate swaps? Did you had any trouble?
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
Jul 23, 2014 at 21:32
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
ahuruglica posted:
Yes, probably the news was already proced in.
How did your EA do? It went one way straight, it must be a good thing. To bad the news was on NY close, many brokers pause trading for a few seconds to calculate swaps? Did you had any trouble?
Humm I don't know... Straddling didn't work! But my MT4 wasn't closed and price were refreshing. (I will ask support about this)
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
Jul 23, 2014 at 21:54
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
Jul 23, 2014 at 22:35
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 25, 2014 at 08:09
(redigerad Jul 25, 2014 at 08:09)
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Britain GDP news is about to come out.
Seems a good opportunity for short EURGBP.
Seems a good opportunity for short EURGBP.
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
Jul 25, 2014 at 09:28
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 25, 2014 at 09:50
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
We owe too much to MK for teaching us pip-drawdown.

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 25, 2014 at 13:18
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
CrazyTrader posted:
Ps: MK would be jaleous about this beautiful Pip Drawdown
It's funny I got almost 0 pips dd on the short side too.
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
Jul 25, 2014 at 14:13
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
ahuruglica posted:
It's funny I got almost 0 pips dd on the short side too.
That's the MK effect...
Yes we see on the chart that 0.7930 was clearly the resistance... I should have reversed my trade there... But now I will keep my long in case it finally breaks higher as the triangle is really narrow.
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
Jul 25, 2014 at 15:33
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
CrazyTrader posted:ahuruglica posted:
Todays cad news.
Area 1.0665 – 1.0680 is good support for long position. If market retraces in three waves, I will look to buy.
I would be worried regarding uptrend if market goes so low for pullback.
USCAD haven't crossed the 1.0700 area... and now is pushing higher

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 25, 2014 at 15:53
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Yep, I did not have a fill on the trade. Currently no orders on the pair.
Medlem sedan Jun 07, 2011
372 inlägg
Jul 27, 2014 at 15:10
Medlem sedan Jun 07, 2011
372 inlägg
EUR / USD rose on a consolidated basis before the preliminary data from the Eurozone PMI for July.
The price remained slightly below the minimum in February 1.3475 (R1) and the Eurozone PMIs, which will come out later in the day, with a forecast of a modest decline.
This could cause the bears to gain strength and the pair drove them down further, perhaps to the support zone of 1.3400 (S1), marked by the low of November 21. While the EUR / USD remains below both moving averages and key 1.3500 resistance (R2), predict a negative short-term picture. On the daily chart, the moving average 50 days is still playing to 200 days and a bearish in the near future will increase the negative outlook of the pair.
The price remained slightly below the minimum in February 1.3475 (R1) and the Eurozone PMIs, which will come out later in the day, with a forecast of a modest decline.
This could cause the bears to gain strength and the pair drove them down further, perhaps to the support zone of 1.3400 (S1), marked by the low of November 21. While the EUR / USD remains below both moving averages and key 1.3500 resistance (R2), predict a negative short-term picture. On the daily chart, the moving average 50 days is still playing to 200 days and a bearish in the near future will increase the negative outlook of the pair.
Aug 18, 2016 at 16:31
Medlem sedan Jan 26, 2011
35 inlägg
Interesting discussion, even if more than two years old: nobody is still straddling Fx news?
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
Aug 19, 2016 at 06:48
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
Straddling isn't possible due to tricky cheat brokers telling you bs that liquidity provider is low at news time so they can justify Huge spread like 30 to 40 pips! I'm not even talking about slippage. So impossible with rubbish broker for little traders like us.
However I trade the news with EA.
However I trade the news with EA.
Aug 19, 2016 at 07:39
Medlem sedan Jan 26, 2011
35 inlägg
CrazyTrader posted:
Straddling isn't possible due to tricky cheat brokers telling you bs that liquidity provider is low at news time so they can justify Huge spread like 30 to 40 pips! I'm not even talking about slippage. So impossible with rubbish broker for little traders like us.
I had the suspect that difficulties were too many, that's why the topic died down: but is it really so impossible to find a good and honest broker? No one such Alpari Pro, Tallinex, Darwinex, Thickmill, LMAX, GDMFX, Vipro Markets, JFD Brokers, etc?
CrazyTrader posted:
However I trade the news with EA.
Which one, if I can ask for it?
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
Aug 21, 2016 at 14:01
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011
1601 inlägg
CrazyTrader posted:
However I trade the news with EA.
Which one, if I can ask for it?
I'm still testing it for now.
Medlem sedan Jan 19, 2016
18 inlägg
Oct 05, 2016 at 16:34
Medlem sedan Jan 19, 2016
18 inlägg
CrazyTrader posted:çCrazyTrader posted:
However I trade the news with EA.
Which one, if I can ask for it?
I'm still testing it for now.
take care with "achab" scam more people with Progetto Phoenix 1
look profile
Medlem sedan Jan 19, 2016
18 inlägg
Oct 05, 2016 at 16:35
Medlem sedan Jan 19, 2016
18 inlägg
achab posted:CrazyTrader posted:
Straddling isn't possible due to tricky cheat brokers telling you bs that liquidity provider is low at news time so they can justify Huge spread like 30 to 40 pips! I'm not even talking about slippage. So impossible with rubbish broker for little traders like us.
I had the suspect that difficulties were too many, that's why the topic died down: but is it really so impossible to find a good and honest broker? No one such Alpari Pro, Tallinex, Darwinex, Thickmill, LMAX, GDMFX, Vipro Markets, JFD Brokers, etc?CrazyTrader posted:
However I trade the news with EA.
Which one, if I can ask for it?
Progetto Phoenix 1, bun bummmm
Oct 05, 2016 at 18:12
Medlem sedan Jan 26, 2011
35 inlägg
I am sorry but this strange person [William (Willy_test_fx)] received clean but incontrovertible post from me (http://www.myfxbook.com/reviews/brokers/lowcost-forex/995865,5) and now he is without arguments, so started stalking: he was already reported.
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