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Metatrader 5 in the US
Mar 30, 2018 at 07:38
Medlem sedan Jul 10, 2017
1 inlägg
Hi everyone,
I'm not sure this is an acceptable place to post this question (and I'm sure I will get told if it isn't), but I have been working with Metatrader 4 for a long time. I've decided to dip my toes in the water and test out Metatrader 5. Being a US citizen and bound by FIFO rules, the limitations of Metatrader 5 don't bother me. I've been very impressed with the much improved development and backtesting.
However, I cannot find any brokers in the US that support Metatrader 5.
My first question is "Why?"
My 2nd question is "How much interest is there in a broker that supports Metatrader 5 in the US?" Am I the only one?
I'm not sure this is an acceptable place to post this question (and I'm sure I will get told if it isn't), but I have been working with Metatrader 4 for a long time. I've decided to dip my toes in the water and test out Metatrader 5. Being a US citizen and bound by FIFO rules, the limitations of Metatrader 5 don't bother me. I've been very impressed with the much improved development and backtesting.
However, I cannot find any brokers in the US that support Metatrader 5.
My first question is "Why?"
My 2nd question is "How much interest is there in a broker that supports Metatrader 5 in the US?" Am I the only one?

*Kommersiell användning och skräppost tolereras inte och kan leda till att kontot avslutas.
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