Really? Long term is worth the wait?

Jul 07, 2017 at 06:17
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73 Replies
Medlem sedan Mar 03, 2020   18 inlägg
May 15, 2020 at 17:32
You can't call yourself a trader without this ability to wait. Everyone knows that you can't possibly achieve something NOT working hard. IT's just not possible. Well, it's possible. But just if you have rich parents. Otherwise - you gotta work hard and wait passionately.
Medlem sedan Jun 30, 2020   89 inlägg
Jul 11, 2020 at 07:12
You always need to look at a situation that really does not come from the crowd.
Medlem sedan Apr 25, 2020   115 inlägg
Jul 12, 2020 at 06:48
Indeed, sometimes it’s very hard to get up with me, sometimes it brings good results.
Medlem sedan Jan 12, 2020   17 inlägg
Jul 19, 2020 at 09:24
Yes it is but you have to be well trained. That means that you should have mastered trading to your best potential. Waiting long term will be worth it if the result that you wil get ill be better than if you had not waited.. Having patience is a very important part of forex trading. Think baout it.
Medlem sedan May 30, 2020   16 inlägg
Jul 19, 2020 at 09:53
Let me tell you what I did when I joined forex. I took more than a year learning and practicing in my demo account before I began real trading. I needed to know if I was going to be a good trader or not and that time was sufficient. You therefore need to have patience if you want to make it big. It does not hurt but actually pays off.
Medlem sedan Apr 01, 2020   227 inlägg
Jul 24, 2020 at 00:30
If you are new than you should try your trade with short tem trading and try to gain some some quick profit. But I think long term trading is also not bad thing and most of the expert traders are doing long term trading and making good profit.But for long term trading you always need big amount of capital and also knowledge and skills.
Medlem sedan Dec 25, 2019   19 inlägg
Jul 26, 2020 at 17:01
Of course, but only if you have done a large market analysis before and have carefully considered all your steps with different options. This is really important, because even a lot of capital cannot be a guarantee if you do not understand what you are doing in the market.
Medlem sedan Feb 09, 2018   12 inlägg
Jul 27, 2020 at 10:53
Long term is worth the wait mainly because it is easier to make money long term trading rather than short term trading
Medlem sedan Aug 04, 2020   8 inlägg
Aug 04, 2020 at 14:43
Depends on trader perception.
I keep position very long; include rollovers I have 87 days holding average. Because of this I can take bigger profit. Recently I took silver from 14 to 21 I hold it 5 months and now silver is 25 so I could still hold and still happy..
Here is the trick, to hold that much I should manage position size and must take relatively small size. Another trader can take five times bigger position and hold silver last couple weeks and he would be still same profitability with me. As you can see there is no correct or wrong, worth or not, it is just choose.
Medlem sedan Jul 20, 2020   286 inlägg
Aug 04, 2020 at 18:48
Yes, it is true because long term trading requires risk-reward to be followed. Risk reward scalping is no longer seen in the case. But long-term trades need to look at these later, which makes the trade more likely to turn a profit. And long term analysis is usually done by looking at the big time frame so the analysis is much better. However, in order to trade long term, the amount needs to be more. It is not possible to trade long term if the amount is not high.
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020   310 inlägg
Aug 06, 2020 at 07:25
Both long term and short are good for trading. But the real question which type of trading is good for whom. If you understand long term trading well it's good for you. Without understanding the price movement holding a trade for long term can wipe out your account. So what you understand the best is best for you.
Medlem sedan Jul 27, 2020   79 inlägg
Aug 06, 2020 at 08:51
If the trade is going smoothly and there are some positive aspects, then, of course, you can wait.
Medlem sedan Jul 23, 2020   696 inlägg
Aug 09, 2020 at 12:54
Many traders think short-term trading is the most profitable. But Long-term trading can also be profitable. It is most suitable for lot of traders, including those they have full-time jobs or other everyday duties and commitments.
Medlem sedan Jul 27, 2020   99 inlägg
Aug 10, 2020 at 05:46
Nothing that you have been learning and gaining a new skills are done in the short term. Everything is done in long term plans. Long term trading can give you so many opportunity to have a new skills - discipline, patience, risk manager, money manager and many more.
Medlem sedan Feb 07, 2020   40 inlägg
Aug 10, 2020 at 08:30
Sometimes, Long term investment pays off if you have eyes on making big profits and targets. Long term investment for the traders who want to have a long run in the forex market. It is a time taking process but the results are good.
Medlem sedan Mar 18, 2019   97 inlägg
Aug 10, 2020 at 12:39
ethan_65 posted:
Sometimes, Long term investment pays off if you have eyes on making big profits and targets. Long term investment for the traders who want to have a long run in the forex market. It is a time taking process but the results are good.

couldnt agree on that more. definitely applies to gold and bitcoin for me
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020   310 inlägg
Aug 18, 2020 at 12:07
If the market is in trend, holding the position pays off. But for slideways market holding a trade can be dangerous if breakout happens and you are against the trend. To hold a trade you need to confirm about the trend.
Medlem sedan Jun 10, 2020   35 inlägg
Oct 16, 2020 at 12:01
Worthwhile or not will depend on the amount of expected returns.
Medlem sedan Jul 23, 2020   816 inlägg
Oct 27, 2020 at 15:10
barbarawright posted:
Worthwhile or not will depend on the amount of expected returns.

Yes. I agree. I think breakout after long range market is still worth to wait to trade.
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020   742 inlägg
Oct 28, 2020 at 00:37
Yes, it is true that the more risk you take, the more profit you have, but it is difficult to sustain the investment if you take the risk. Maybe he made a lot of profit for a while but it is not possible to keep that profit. As a trader, you should always trade by maintaining discipline. And if it is not, then the chances of loss are high.
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