Swap/rollover on forex.com portfolio

Apr 04, 2017 at 06:33
749 Visa
6 Replies
Medlem sedan Mar 20, 2017   2 inlägg
Apr 04, 2017 at 06:33
Hi all, I have tried some searching on here and wasn't able to come up with anything. My broker reports swap or rollover as deposits/withdrawals. I don't want it to show as deposits or withdrawals, but as swap. Is there any way to get the system to properly track this metric since my broker reports it as withdrawal/deposits instead of swap? The comment always shows the pairs, amounts, and notes that it is a "R/O".
Medlem sedan Feb 12, 2016   507 inlägg
Apr 04, 2017 at 09:56
Hello jumpboat,
I believe this is happening, because they use plugin for swap/financing charges and that is the reason to see it in different column. If I am not mistaken, something similar was with FXCM (they does not have it in the swap column, but as a trade.

It is coming from your broker server/s and most likely what you can do is just to ask them whether this could be changed somehow from their side.
Medlem sedan Dec 07, 2016   15 inlägg
Apr 04, 2017 at 10:20
I think the easiest way is to change the broker ))
Power is nothing without control
Medlem sedan Feb 12, 2016   394 inlägg
Apr 07, 2017 at 08:47
Well if you keep records of your deposits and withdrawals (which should not be many) – you can easily differentiate the Swap and Rollover from them. Other option will be change from your broker.
Accept the loss as experience
Medlem sedan Apr 12, 2017   1 inlägg
Apr 12, 2017 at 11:09
hello jumpboat,

Actually it also depends on the account type you are having. If you are having s standard or normal ECN account, in that swap charged will be charged on your overnight positions and there will be a separate column in which you can see your swap charges. But I have also heard about other account types like Islamic account where there are no swap charges however if your position is held for more than 2 days, you are charged some maintenance cost which is deducted from your trading account and reflected as withdrawal.
Medlem sedan Mar 20, 2017   2 inlägg
Apr 17, 2017 at 07:30
Thanks all, does anyone know a US broker which myfxbook supports?
Medlem sedan Jan 31, 2017   6 inlägg
Apr 18, 2017 at 11:25
hello jumpboat,

You can have look on https://forums.babypips.com/forex-brokers/36221-going-offshore-escape-cftc.html having a list of brokers accepting US clients.
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