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Medlem sedan Sep 12, 2015
1933 inlägg
Sep 19, 2021 at 18:10
Medlem sedan Sep 12, 2015
1933 inlägg
Hi everyone , haven't posted in awhile , currently enjoying the fruits of my labour ,well to be honest the amazing returns of my partner who took my advice ,not that she needed much ,a natural at spotting opportunity who said they would never trade FX ha. It's important to celebrate your wins and spoil yourself ,take some money off the table and believe it will come to you if it's what your fully focused on .Thanks everyone for keeping in contact .
"They mistook leverage with genius".
Medlem sedan Aug 10, 2021
172 inlägg
Sep 20, 2021 at 01:16
Medlem sedan Aug 10, 2021
172 inlägg
Trading can be fruitful only when you are well interested to learn it. Without knowledge, it will be difficult to become a successful and professional trader.
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020
742 inlägg
Sep 20, 2021 at 01:29
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020
742 inlägg
Exactly, profit in trading depends on gaining knowledge. If knowledge can be created properly, then making money will be much easier.
Sep 30, 2021 at 19:04
Medlem sedan Aug 12, 2020
16 inlägg
If you work hard all the time, it won't take long to get results.
The main thing is not to rush, not to be afraid of making mistakes, and to analyse everything that happens.
The main thing is not to rush, not to be afraid of making mistakes, and to analyse everything that happens.
Oct 05, 2021 at 20:02
Medlem sedan Jun 13, 2020
17 inlägg
It is always great when hard work pays off. Success comes only due to lots of learning and practice, so, my congratulations on it!
Oct 06, 2021 at 20:15
Medlem sedan Jan 13, 2021
5 inlägg
I do agree with the statement that you should spoil yourself and spend some money that you've earned in order to boost your motivation. Otherwise, it looks useless to trade when you don't withdraw your money. Every success should be celebrated, every failure should be examined.
Oct 07, 2021 at 16:47
Medlem sedan Apr 03, 2021
7 inlägg
It is true that not many people succeed in our business. It is probably the same in other areas of business. I also don't understand why people count on quick results and luck, and don't always realise that you just have to work hard - that's the secret to making money in the end.
Medlem sedan Feb 08, 2019
200 inlägg
Oct 07, 2021 at 17:00
Medlem sedan Feb 08, 2019
200 inlägg
It's easy to get greedy in this business which is why many fail
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020
742 inlägg
Oct 11, 2021 at 01:29
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020
742 inlägg
Unellene posted:AliaDare posted:
Exactly, profit in trading depends on gaining knowledge. If knowledge can be created properly, then making money will be much easier.
well, in addition to knowledge, there should also be an understanding of the work itself, after all, these are a little different concepts
Successful traders are those who can think differently from others. And those who are more concerned with gaining knowledge from business in the market.
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020
742 inlägg
Oct 11, 2021 at 01:32
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020
742 inlägg
RobSchiz posted:AliaDare posted:
Exactly, profit in trading depends on gaining knowledge. If knowledge can be created properly, then making money will be much easier.
Yes. You are absolutely right.
Thank you very much, trading depends on knowledge above all.
Oct 12, 2021 at 07:13
Medlem sedan Aug 07, 2020
71 inlägg
The quality and profitability of trading really directly depends on your preparedness.

*Kommersiell användning och skräppost tolereras inte och kan leda till att kontot avslutas.
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