$40 to $1000 Challenge

Jan 09, 2020 at 04:53
5,208 Visa
81 Replies
Medlem sedan Jan 29, 2020   9 inlägg
Feb 10, 2020 at 18:15
ufotech posted:
DtraderB posted:
Gabor33 posted:
ufotech posted:
If you're going to participate then you need to post up a LIVE account showing a $40.00 starting account balance.

Post your myfxbook fully validated account stats page here.

Are you gonna participate?

@Gabor33 @ufotech @togr

Hi, I think I discovered how to verify the account.

This is the link https://www.myfxbook.com/members/DtraderB/dtraderb1/4525246

It's my account, feel free to ask questions, and yes it´s not 1000k yet, but it is 3000%.


Great. Now can you please open the history and trading so we can verify it?? All of the trade data is hidden.

Hi, now I've to learn how to do that haha.

I think it's open, check it out and tell me.

Medlem sedan Jan 29, 2020   9 inlägg
Feb 10, 2020 at 18:16
togr posted:
DtraderB posted:
Gabor33 posted:
ufotech posted:
If you're going to participate then you need to post up a LIVE account showing a $40.00 starting account balance.

Post your myfxbook fully validated account stats page here.

Are you gonna participate?

@Gabor33 @ufotech @togr

Hi, I think I discovered how to verify the account.

This is the link https://www.myfxbook.com/members/DtraderB/dtraderb1/4525246

It's my account, feel free to ask questions, and yes it´s not 1000k yet, but it is 3000%.



Thanks, you got nice results as well.

Can I ask how do you automate your strategies?

Medlem sedan Jan 25, 2010   1288 inlägg
Feb 11, 2020 at 04:00
This challenge is not simply about the fact of turning $40-$1000.
This challenge is all about the habits required in trading, to turn from an amateur to a professional:

5 Differences Between Amateurs and Professionals

1. Amateurs wait to feel inspired. Professionals stick to a schedule.
Don't wait to feel inspired; take action NOW.

2. Amateurs focus on goals. Professionals focus on habits.
More important than achieving the $4000 in this challenge, is the habit that you will form.

3. Amateurs strive to achieve. Professionals strive to improve.
Similar to 2, don't focus on the achievement of $4000, strive for continual improvement of yourself.

4. Amateurs stall after failure. Professionals grow after failure.
Don't give up. If you fail, learn the lesson and keep trying.

5. Amateurs live for opinions. Professionals live for the truth.
Don't worry about what others say. The truth is what YOU BELIEVE, based upon your experiences, determination, understanding.

The Path to Turning Pro:
1. Thou shalt commit to a schedule.
2. Thou shalt believe that they are ‘Pro.’

Timestamp: Feb 11, 14:59
Medlem sedan Jan 05, 2020   34 inlägg
Feb 11, 2020 at 06:17
DtraderB posted:
ufotech posted:
DtraderB posted:
Gabor33 posted:
ufotech posted:
If you're going to participate then you need to post up a LIVE account showing a $40.00 starting account balance.

Post your myfxbook fully validated account stats page here.

Are you gonna participate?

@Gabor33 @ufotech @togr

Hi, I think I discovered how to verify the account.

This is the link https://www.myfxbook.com/members/DtraderB/dtraderb1/4525246

It's my account, feel free to ask questions, and yes it´s not 1000k yet, but it is 3000%.


Great. Now can you please open the history and trading so we can verify it?? All of the trade data is hidden.

Hi, now I've to learn how to do that haha.

I think it's open, check it out and tell me.


The stats look legit and your profits are just under $1000.00

Good job.
If you want to be profitable, make profitable trades.
Medlem sedan Feb 22, 2011   4573 inlägg
Feb 11, 2020 at 08:18
BluePanther posted:
This challenge is not simply about the fact of turning $40-$1000.
This challenge is all about the habits required in trading, to turn from an amateur to a professional:

5 Differences Between Amateurs and Professionals

1. Amateurs wait to feel inspired. Professionals stick to a schedule.
Don't wait to feel inspired; take action NOW.

2. Amateurs focus on goals. Professionals focus on habits.
More important than achieving the $4000 in this challenge, is the habit that you will form.

3. Amateurs strive to achieve. Professionals strive to improve.
Similar to 2, don't focus on the achievement of $4000, strive for continual improvement of yourself.

4. Amateurs stall after failure. Professionals grow after failure.
Don't give up. If you fail, learn the lesson and keep trying.

5. Amateurs live for opinions. Professionals live for the truth.
Don't worry about what others say. The truth is what YOU BELIEVE, based upon your experiences, determination, understanding.

The Path to Turning Pro:
1. Thou shalt commit to a schedule.
2. Thou shalt believe that they are ‘Pro.’

Timestamp: Feb 11, 14:59

I would say that trading with expert advisor covers majority of these items, just my 2 cents.
Medlem sedan Jan 25, 2010   1288 inlägg
Feb 11, 2020 at 09:46
togr posted:
BluePanther posted:
This challenge is not simply about the fact of turning $40-$1000.
This challenge is all about the habits required in trading, to turn from an amateur to a professional:

I would say that trading with expert advisor covers majority of these items, just my 2 cents.

Ah, perhaps I should qualify my statement: Amateur vs Professional applies to human traders.
These principles do not apply to an EA. 😎
And the use of an EA, though not prohibited for this challenge, is akin to cheating! 😁
Medlem sedan Sep 29, 2017   1 inlägg
Feb 11, 2020 at 12:12
Good Stuff, Im in
Fortune Favours The Brave
Medlem sedan Feb 08, 2019   200 inlägg
Feb 11, 2020 at 20:57
I'd like to see an EA do it....
Medlem sedan Dec 19, 2019   61 inlägg
Feb 11, 2020 at 21:30
ufotech posted:
DtraderB posted:
ufotech posted:
DtraderB posted:
Gabor33 posted:
ufotech posted:
If you're going to participate then you need to post up a LIVE account showing a $40.00 starting account balance.

Post your myfxbook fully validated account stats page here.

Are you gonna participate?

@Gabor33 @ufotech @togr

Hi, I think I discovered how to verify the account.

This is the link https://www.myfxbook.com/members/DtraderB/dtraderb1/4525246

It's my account, feel free to ask questions, and yes it´s not 1000k yet, but it is 3000%.


Great. Now can you please open the history and trading so we can verify it?? All of the trade data is hidden.

Hi, now I've to learn how to do that haha.

I think it's open, check it out and tell me.


The stats look legit and your profits are just under $1000.00

Good job.

Well done ,crazy risk though ,I guess when you start with 30 bucks it's not a big loss if it goes wrong.
Strength and honor.
Medlem sedan Jan 25, 2010   1288 inlägg
Feb 12, 2020 at 00:54
Treeny posted:
I'd like to see an EA do it....


Medlem sedan Jan 29, 2020   9 inlägg
Feb 17, 2020 at 17:14
Marketmultitool posted:
ufotech posted:
DtraderB posted:
ufotech posted:
DtraderB posted:
Gabor33 posted:
ufotech posted:
If you're going to participate then you need to post up a LIVE account showing a $40.00 starting account balance.

Post your myfxbook fully validated account stats page here.

Are you gonna participate?

@Gabor33 @ufotech @togr

Hi, I think I discovered how to verify the account.

This is the link https://www.myfxbook.com/members/DtraderB/dtraderb1/4525246

It's my account, feel free to ask questions, and yes it´s not 1000k yet, but it is 3000%.


Great. Now can you please open the history and trading so we can verify it?? All of the trade data is hidden.

Hi, now I've to learn how to do that haha.

I think it's open, check it out and tell me.


The stats look legit and your profits are just under $1000.00

Good job.


Well done ,crazy risk though ,I guess when you start with 30 bucks it's not a big loss if it goes wrong.

Yeah, I think the key for trading is to always wage money you can afford to lose, it takes pressure off your back.
Medlem sedan Jan 25, 2010   1288 inlägg
Feb 18, 2020 at 02:38
BluePanther posted:
togr posted:
Yeah the results are still impressive no doubts.
But don't you regret you did not withdraw at least something?
I did personally sold my BTCs which I bought for $200/BTC for $400/BTC
I made 100% profit. Am I happy???
No way I regret I did not sell them for 20k...

#1 “The AMOUNT of money you have does not matter; what matters is the SYSTEM you use. No AMOUNT of money can save you if you have a bad SYSTEM. Conversely, if you have a good SYSTEM you can start with a small AMOUNT and easily become rich.' (Matthew Todorovski)

People get so 'hung up' on the AMOUNT, but quantity is not the aim here. The real aim should be the RELIABLE (consistent and perpetual) generation of PROFITS:
a) to keep up with inflation;
b) to continue to grow the AMOUNT;
c) to cover future spending.

#2 The inflating money supply (fiat currency): $13million today will not be worth as much in future. Refer reason #1.

Timestamp: Mon, Feb 10, 13:42

"11. Inflation is nothing more than legalized theft by our governments, which stands close to 9%. An inflation rate of 8% annually means that $100,000 in cash today would be worth only $46,319 in 10 years – more than half it’s worth evaporated."

Source: https://supersoldiertalk.com/special-restored-republic-intel-report-by-judy-byington-feb-5-2020/
Medlem sedan Feb 28, 2020   78 inlägg
Feb 29, 2020 at 07:48
This is digging through the rock with a stick, I can not try to trade such.
Medlem sedan Nov 06, 2018   81 inlägg
Mar 06, 2020 at 14:04
How is this challenge going?
Medlem sedan Nov 11, 2019   5 inlägg
Mar 10, 2020 at 11:30
This easy challenge seems to have no takers.
Medlem sedan Jan 25, 2010   1288 inlägg
Mar 10, 2020 at 11:54
irungu94 posted:
This easy challenge seems to have no takers.

Please read the thread.
There have been successful attempts made.
Medlem sedan Oct 23, 2014   77 inlägg
Mar 11, 2020 at 05:10
if you wan ta free go;tickmill has a $30 free welcome account for new clients.to trade;all profits are yours.i used it years ago testing a news ea.still with tickmill too.
Medlem sedan Nov 11, 2019   5 inlägg
Mar 11, 2020 at 12:38
BluePanther posted:
irungu94 posted:
This easy challenge seems to have no takers.

Please read the thread.
There have been successful attempts made.

Naaaah. All I see are past trades, being justified as equal to the challenge presented. Or maybe mfxbook is broken because I can't see a single post showing progress with regard to the challenge.
Medlem sedan Jan 25, 2010   1288 inlägg
Mar 11, 2020 at 13:21
irungu94 posted:
Naaaah. All I see are past trades, being justified as equal to the challenge presented. Or maybe mfxbook is broken because I can't see a single post showing progress with regard to the challenge.

You are welcome to post your own progress, there is nothing stopping you.

But be advised: when you finally reach the goal (whether percent gain equivalent or $1000) your account will also be ' "past trades" justified as equal to the challenge presented.' 😄
Medlem sedan Apr 25, 2019   25 inlägg
Apr 12, 2020 at 17:26
I can only wish you success and nothing more, but that's damn really a challenge and nothing more probably cause it's very hard to achieve such way without any obstacles and additional funding to that matter entirely. Thanks!
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