Changes in included MACD-Sample

Sep 08, 2013 at 05:11
634 Visa
1 Replies
Medlem sedan Sep 01, 2013   1 inlägg
Sep 08, 2013 at 05:11

can you please tell me why I can change the settings for the MACD-Sample EA but in the programm code the variables are constantly set to a fix setting?

For example: I change the tp from 50 to 100 but the Code still sets:

extern double TakeProfit = 50;

Does it matter, that I change the tp to 100 in the settings?


Jörg from Germany
Medlem sedan Jul 17, 2012   274 inlägg
Sep 08, 2013 at 09:28
extern double TakeProfit = 50; <-- defaults

extern double TakeProfit = 100; <-- will be new defaults

compile and attach. remove the old one that are attached if any.
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