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Demo trading
May 21, 2018 at 05:44
Medlem sedan Jan 31, 2018
3 inlägg
Be sure to trade on a demo account. You can also take a bonus without making a deposit.
May 21, 2018 at 06:21
Medlem sedan Mar 04, 2018
39 inlägg
Something learned! Thanks everybody to participated here..
Medlem sedan Aug 11, 2017
886 inlägg
May 25, 2018 at 11:02
Medlem sedan Aug 11, 2017
886 inlägg
We can’t ignore the importance of demo trading as a beginner level, but practically there is no emotions when trading in a demo on the other hand in live trading there is no none who can avoid emotions for every faction. That’s why the experience of demo account not works for all time in live, and for that reason sometimes I prefer micro account instead of demo.
Dec 06, 2018 at 08:56
Medlem sedan Nov 22, 2017
23 inlägg
Leturik posted:
Be sure to trade on a demo account. You can also take a bonus without making a deposit.
What are you talking about? I heared a bonus can be used on a demo account for the first time. To be honest I don't understand is it necessary on a demo account at all? When you have a live account having bonus is more relevant than when you have only a demo. Cause on demo you don't trade your own money you're just testing.
Medlem sedan Aug 11, 2017
886 inlägg
Dec 07, 2018 at 09:21
Medlem sedan Aug 11, 2017
886 inlägg
The demo account is the master place for a beginner to acquire all basic fundament information which is very supportive to continue a live account in a proper way. But practically most of the beginners don’t believe the importance of this trading place at all. In my trading career, I use all my trading strategies in demo trading to see the performance how it works.
Dec 09, 2018 at 07:18
Medlem sedan Nov 15, 2018
11 inlägg
I do that as well. I do not understand why people do not like demo. Practice makes perfect so it is better to practice on free demo than costly live account
Dec 11, 2018 at 09:05
Medlem sedan Dec 03, 2018
3 inlägg
Is there a big difference between demo and real trading? Now it's a very important question for me
Is there a big difference between demo and real trading? Now it's a very important question for me
Medlem sedan Oct 29, 2018
10 inlägg
Dec 11, 2018 at 11:27
Medlem sedan Oct 29, 2018
10 inlägg
No there isn't. Some people will try to tell you there is a big difference but they are lying. If you can trade well on a demo account then you should be able to trade well on a real account. The only difference come if you are scalping. There is more slippage on a real account which will kill your profits if you scalp
Medlem sedan Aug 11, 2017
886 inlägg
Dec 17, 2018 at 09:12
Medlem sedan Aug 11, 2017
886 inlägg
The demo account is the master place for a beginner to acquire all basic fundament information which is very supportive to continue a live account in a proper way. But practically most of the beginners don’t believe the importance of this trading place at all. In my trading career, I use all my trading strategies in demo trading to see the performance how it works.
Medlem sedan Jan 31, 2017
206 inlägg
Dec 20, 2018 at 12:47
Medlem sedan Jan 31, 2017
206 inlägg
demo account is the best place to test your strategy in ideal market environment
Trading system developers and strategy providers.
Dec 20, 2018 at 13:03
Medlem sedan Dec 20, 2018
7 inlägg
I have stayed on demo and I am thankful for it. I would have lost thousands of dollars if I went onto live account. Staying on demo is best decsion I have made in Forex
Medlem sedan Jun 13, 2017
49 inlägg
Dec 21, 2018 at 09:01
Medlem sedan Jun 13, 2017
49 inlägg
My advice would be to used a demo account first, but fund it similarly to what you anticipate funding a live account. Sure, it's fun to fund a demo account with $500,000 but if you're going to fund a live account with $2000, fund the demo with $2000. It'll give you a much more accurate representation of your trading.
Medlem sedan Aug 11, 2017
886 inlägg
Dec 22, 2018 at 13:32
Medlem sedan Aug 11, 2017
886 inlägg
The demo account is the master place for a beginner to acquire all basic fundament information which is very supportive to continue a live account in a proper way. But practically most of the beginners don’t believe the importance of this trading place at all. In my trading career, I use all my trading strategies in demo trading to see the performance how it works.
Medlem sedan Aug 09, 2017
785 inlägg
Dec 23, 2018 at 08:01
Medlem sedan Aug 09, 2017
785 inlägg
yes , there is no emotions when trading in demo , that's why we trade here at random . actually its all about psychology.
Medlem sedan Aug 11, 2017
886 inlägg
Dec 23, 2018 at 09:41
Medlem sedan Aug 11, 2017
886 inlägg
The demo account is the master place for a beginner to acquire all basic fundament information which is very supportive to continue a live account in a proper way. But practically most of the beginners don’t believe the importance of this trading place at all. In my trading career, I use all my trading strategies in demo trading to see the performance how it works.
Dec 27, 2018 at 07:30
Medlem sedan Dec 26, 2018
3 inlägg
While using the demo account, you would be doing a lot of trades and learning many things about the forex trading. You need to keep a record of all your trades as well as note down all the reasons behind them. You should also make notes on the fundamentals and technical analysis. This practice will help you understand how good your strategy is; identify your mistakes and weaknesses etc.
Adrian Gates
Adrian Gates
Medlem sedan Dec 31, 2018
11 inlägg
Dec 31, 2018 at 14:46
Medlem sedan Dec 31, 2018
11 inlägg
That is a good way to keep in control of your trading on demo. A long period of backtesting is also important before you even start on a demo account. This will help you modify any strategy or see if the strategy is BS
Jan 03, 2019 at 13:52
Medlem sedan Jan 03, 2019
10 inlägg
Would you need to modify the strategy for a demo account versus a live account? I have heard that slippage and spread are more important on live account
Jan 07, 2019 at 13:09
Medlem sedan Jan 07, 2019
12 inlägg
I do not modify my strategy. I accept that profits will be lower on live account due to slippage so you need to be 100% sure that the strategy is highly profitable before you use it on a real account. A strategy with a 51% win rate will lose month on a real account.
*Kommersiell användning och skräppost tolereras inte och kan leda till att kontot avslutas.
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