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- Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
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Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
Medlem sedan Dec 04, 2012
237 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 18:45
Medlem sedan Dec 04, 2012
237 inlägg
That never happens when the market is open. When the market is open you will ALWAYS have a bid and ask price. Several years ago when I traded usd/jpy and it was said that the nuclear power plant was going to exploded, it caused a 350 pip drop in yen pairs in about 15 mins. The price never GAPPED! The spread did increase almost 1.5 cents for several seconds as the price began to drop.
The example used was a very poor one and may not be the cause of the issue which the trader above mentioned. The price, while the market is open can never suddenly "teleport" to a different price. While the market is closed in stocks is when you usually see those GAPS.
Many will claim to have seen it, but the spread becoming WIDE isn't the same as gapping.
Medlem sedan Dec 04, 2012
237 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 18:48
Medlem sedan Dec 04, 2012
237 inlägg
That of course is one of the scary things about investing in currencies. You can hold a position over the weekend, and when you check your account, your "SL" would of been passed over! That indeed can happen, and is the ONLY time that your order can be skipped over (sl,tp, pending orders).

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 19:37
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Last year on ECB rate cut, on most brokers the price gaped about 50 pips. Do you need the graph?

Medlem sedan Dec 31, 2013
164 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 19:53
Medlem sedan Dec 31, 2013
164 inlägg
ahuruglica posted:
Last year on ECB rate cut, on most brokers the price gaped about 50 pips. Do you need the graph?
Please attach the chart for ease of reference.

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 21:00
(redigerad Jul 11, 2014 at 21:01)
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
It happened on 7 Nov 13. Within one minute at 7:45 price moved 125 pips. Unfortunately the lowest time frame is 1 min and candlestick tells you when the first minute started and when ended, not much study inbetween. For a few seconds liquidity providers did not provide liquidity and the price gaped about 50 pips.

I had entry orders to buy at 1.3500 and 1.3480 with SL about 50 pips. Positions were open then closed within 0 seconds. Gap was about +50 pips. If I traded with money management like some traders are proud of, not only I would have blown the account, but probably would owe broker money.

I had entry orders to buy at 1.3500 and 1.3480 with SL about 50 pips. Positions were open then closed within 0 seconds. Gap was about +50 pips. If I traded with money management like some traders are proud of, not only I would have blown the account, but probably would owe broker money.

Medlem sedan Jan 01, 2013
126 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 21:18
Medlem sedan Jan 01, 2013
126 inlägg
ahuruglica posted:
If I traded with money management like some traders are proud of, not only I would have blown the account, but probably would owe broker money.
Could please explain this... I can't understand it... what do you mean?
Medlem sedan Jan 01, 2013
126 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 21:35
(redigerad Jul 11, 2014 at 21:39)
Medlem sedan Jan 01, 2013
126 inlägg
AmberLynn posted:
Why not lower your exposure to the market? Exposure in the sense of the amount of time you are in the actual market. Several traders her have displayed the ability to do it. Is it luck? I think not, not when a person is able to repeat the same results multiple times. Super_trader has shown the ability to do it. So, why don't we focus more on that? As that would allow us to risk more, because stats say we won't be in a position for a certain amount of time in red.
Risk in trading is measured in money, not in time!
Risking $100 for 1 second and risking $100 for 1 hour is absolutely the same... you still risk $100. If you could know the exact time when the market will move against you, you would never risk a penny that specific moment...
Suppose you have a million bucks and a stranger asks you to lend him that amount. Do you really care if he is going to return it in 1 minute or in 1 hour? Does it make a difference?
Medlem sedan Jan 01, 2013
126 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 21:36
Medlem sedan Jan 01, 2013
126 inlägg
And BTW... @AmberLynn, for the sake of this thread's consistency.. please start posting from your @Master_Kiwa account again.

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 21:45
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
I'm referring to the one who is happy with 5 pips profit and trades with over leverage, mr MK off course. 50 pips gap would make his account go puf.
Also some traders with high leverage a few pips price slip or gap not only would blow the account but also the equity will go below 0. Loses are higher than equity and the trader owes broker money.
Also some traders with high leverage a few pips price slip or gap not only would blow the account but also the equity will go below 0. Loses are higher than equity and the trader owes broker money.

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 21:46
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
I think he can not post from Master Kiwa because account is banned.
Medlem sedan Jan 01, 2013
126 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 21:51
Medlem sedan Jan 01, 2013
126 inlägg
ahuruglica posted:
I'm referring to the one who is happy with 5 pips profit and trades with over leverage, mr MK off course. 50 pips gap would make his account go puf.
Also some traders with high leverage a few pips price slip or gap not only would blow the account but also the equity will go below 0. Loses are higher than equity and the trader owes broker money.
Ok, cool! Thanks for explaining.
Medlem sedan May 22, 2012
219 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 22:58
(redigerad Jul 11, 2014 at 22:59)
Medlem sedan May 22, 2012
219 inlägg
The problem is not 5 pips profit, the problem is 5 pips stop loss.
The only problem takin 5 pips profit is if ur stop loss is in 200 pips (for example) , because a SL means more tham 40 positive trades. A strategy (profitable) with 5 pips profit and a SL for example 25 pips. is fine if its profitable.
And the problem of an Stop Loss of 5 pips, is slippage, gaps. misconections , etc...
The only problem takin 5 pips profit is if ur stop loss is in 200 pips (for example) , because a SL means more tham 40 positive trades. A strategy (profitable) with 5 pips profit and a SL for example 25 pips. is fine if its profitable.
And the problem of an Stop Loss of 5 pips, is slippage, gaps. misconections , etc...
Caution ¡¡ Forex market is full of scams ¡¡
Medlem sedan Dec 04, 2012
237 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 23:48
Medlem sedan Dec 04, 2012
237 inlägg
ahuruglica posted:
It happened on 7 Nov 13. Within one minute at 7:45 price moved 125 pips. Unfortunately the lowest time frame is 1 min and candlestick tells you when the first minute started and when ended, not much study inbetween. For a few seconds liquidity providers did not provide liquidity and the price gaped about 50 pips.
I had entry orders to buy at 1.3500 and 1.3480 with SL about 50 pips. Positions were open then closed within 0 seconds. Gap was about +50 pips. If I traded with money management like some traders are proud of, not only I would have blown the account, but probably would owe broker money.
Once again.... Your order was opened and closed because your spread because the spread separated. Please do not post inaccurate things as this "gap" thing, when the market is open. That is something which is impossible to occur. What happens is that when their is no liquidity the spread becomes higher then normal. In times of major news events the ask goes up and the bid drops. Since you spend more time typing then looking at a chart, allow me to share a video with you. The video which is being shared shows how the spread gets split further during certain moments (news events). Ahuruglica that is what had your order triggered, a widening in the spread. If you had a TRUE ECN BROKER, that would never occur.
Please fast forward the video to :55 and about 6 seconds later you will see the spread get wide.
Medlem sedan Dec 04, 2012
237 inlägg
Jul 11, 2014 at 23:53
Medlem sedan Dec 04, 2012
237 inlägg
MyFxTrader posted:ahuruglica posted:
Last year on ECB rate cut, on most brokers the price gaped about 50 pips. Do you need the graph?
Please attach the chart for ease of reference.
What he is claiming is unfortunately untrue as it can not be proven. What he is mentioning is something which occurs MOSTLY in stocks. As stocks gap up/down when the market is closed! When the market is open the price can not just gap to a certain place. That is untrue and he has yet to be able to provide information which proves what he is claiming.

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 12, 2014 at 06:45
(redigerad Jul 12, 2014 at 07:03)
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
I know your ego does not allow you do accept anything.

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 12, 2014 at 07:01
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
When big news come out, on most brokers trading platform freezes for a few seconds.
When comes online the price is different that is was before, meaning from one price to the other without trading in between.
Which is definition of a GAP.
P.S. I did not watch the video because it is irrelevant. Spread widening means you get stopped faster, but at the price and not 50 pips difference.
When comes online the price is different that is was before, meaning from one price to the other without trading in between.
Which is definition of a GAP.
P.S. I did not watch the video because it is irrelevant. Spread widening means you get stopped faster, but at the price and not 50 pips difference.

Medlem sedan Dec 31, 2013
164 inlägg
Jul 12, 2014 at 08:43
Medlem sedan Dec 31, 2013
164 inlägg
ahuruglica posted:
It happened on 7 Nov 13. Within one minute at 7:45 price moved 125 pips. Unfortunately the lowest time frame is 1 min and candlestick tells you when the first minute started and when ended, not much study inbetween. For a few seconds liquidity providers did not provide liquidity and the price gaped about 50 pips.
I had entry orders to buy at 1.3500 and 1.3480 with SL about 50 pips. Positions were open then closed within 0 seconds. Gap was about +50 pips. If I traded with money management like some traders are proud of, not only I would have blown the account, but probably would owe broker money.
Thanks, looking at the chart you posted, I see that you regard a 'spike' to be a 'gap'..

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 12, 2014 at 09:20
(redigerad Jul 12, 2014 at 09:21)
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
As i stated the chart is 1 min time frame. It is not possible to get more information than from what happened from minute to minute. As we know, minutes are divided to seconds, and even seconds are divided to milisecond, then nanoseconds up to plank time.
1 minute timeframe is snapshot to snapshot in one minute in between. As like If you open your eyes for a tiny fraction of a second and you keep them close for a minute. You might think you get to much information, but you don't. A lot can happen in a minute.
Another explanation is, you cant see cells or bacteria with naked eye. You need a microscope to do that.
It it was possible to enlarge the the chart to seconds or miliseconds, gap would be visible.
Hope I'm clear.
As i stated the chart is 1 min time frame. It is not possible to get more information than from what happened from minute to minute. As we know, minutes are divided to seconds, and even seconds are divided to milisecond, then nanoseconds up to plank time.
1 minute timeframe is snapshot to snapshot in one minute in between. As like If you open your eyes for a tiny fraction of a second and you keep them close for a minute. You might think you get to much information, but you don't. A lot can happen in a minute.
Another explanation is, you cant see cells or bacteria with naked eye. You need a microscope to do that.
It it was possible to enlarge the the chart to seconds or miliseconds, gap would be visible.
Hope I'm clear.
Medlem sedan Dec 04, 2012
237 inlägg
Jul 12, 2014 at 12:28
Medlem sedan Dec 04, 2012
237 inlägg
MyFxTrader posted:ahuruglica posted:
It happened on 7 Nov 13. Within one minute at 7:45 price moved 125 pips. Unfortunately the lowest time frame is 1 min and candlestick tells you when the first minute started and when ended, not much study inbetween. For a few seconds liquidity providers did not provide liquidity and the price gaped about 50 pips.
I had entry orders to buy at 1.3500 and 1.3480 with SL about 50 pips. Positions were open then closed within 0 seconds. Gap was about +50 pips. If I traded with money management like some traders are proud of, not only I would have blown the account, but probably would owe broker money.
Thanks, looking at the chart you posted, I see that you regard a 'spike' to be a 'gap'..
You'll simply go into loops speaking to him, as in his mind the market can "GAP" when it is open. It's evident that he hasn't the slightest clue as the difference between a GAP AND SPIKE. Have a nice weekend.

Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Jul 12, 2014 at 12:41
(redigerad Jul 12, 2014 at 12:45)
Medlem sedan Jun 28, 2013
842 inlägg
Small gaps are easily visible every day. If you watch closely bid or ask price. Doesn't matter. For example price jumps from example from 1.3606 to 1.3608 (without trading 1.3607). That happen very often. If your broker offers charts on very short time frame gap will be visible.
Definition of gap is: price movement up or down with no trading in between.
I think there is no need for further explanation on the subject. Hope I'm clear and MK does not interfere, because I'm not referring to him.
Kind regards.
Small gaps are easily visible every day. If you watch closely bid or ask price. Doesn't matter. For example price jumps from example from 1.3606 to 1.3608 (without trading 1.3607). That happen very often. If your broker offers charts on very short time frame gap will be visible.
Definition of gap is: price movement up or down with no trading in between.
I think there is no need for further explanation on the subject. Hope I'm clear and MK does not interfere, because I'm not referring to him.
Kind regards.

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