Hello Guys new to myfxbook !

May 23, 2015 at 12:05
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27 Replies
Medlem sedan Aug 06, 2015   9 inlägg
Aug 24, 2015 at 06:47
Hello to you all! For me not only fx strategies and trading are interresting, but also its mechanics. There were mentioned VPS- and liquidity providers, soft developers, site hosts, programmers, and many other points. Well, it must be underlined that all those facilities are not cheap. A broker offers you conditions, and if it is honest, you just try to do your best of forex. I wish everyone great profits and success in forex!
Medlem sedan Sep 02, 2015   8 inlägg
Sep 03, 2015 at 09:50
Good day! I'd like to make cool friends as well. I am new to this source, but I am not totally new to forex and got some experience I can share. Just as well as any of you. I wish you all enormous profits and good luck!
Real defeat comes when you give up
Medlem sedan Jul 13, 2015   2 inlägg
Sep 03, 2015 at 12:38
Hi guys,

I am new trader has joined myfxbook,,

good day and success in forex. :)

Medlem sedan Feb 11, 2011   1768 inlägg
Sep 03, 2015 at 16:06
Icandmi posted:
Hi guys,

I am new trader has joined myfxbook,,

good day and success in forex. :)

welcome here and same to you😝
Medlem sedan Sep 01, 2015   1 inlägg
Sep 04, 2015 at 10:02
igualmente hace un par de dias me uni a myfxbook😎😎
Medlem sedan Jul 15, 2015   49 inlägg
Sep 06, 2015 at 06:42
I wish you all the success that can possibly come your way. Be safe and consistent :).
Medlem sedan May 30, 2015   37 inlägg
Sep 09, 2015 at 05:53
hi ppl.

does anybody know, if theres a way to find GDMFX contest participants, by country ?

I m trying to track argentinian traders in some practical way.

Medlem sedan Sep 12, 2015   1933 inlägg
Sep 13, 2015 at 06:06
FxMasterGuru posted:
It was more than 2 years ago when I started this thread: https://www.myfxbook.com/community/experienced-traders/5-average-monthly-profit-for/494885,34#?pt=2&p=1&ts=337&o=494885

The search is still on... Which tells a lot about the statistical chances of making a living from Forex PROFITS.

But who makes the REAL Forex profits then...?

1. Brokers and their licensing authorities.
2. Liquidity providers.
3. Metatrader and other trading platform provider companies.
4. IBs (introducing brokers).
5. VPS providers.
6. EA programmers.
7. 'Holy Grail' EA marketers and 'Holy Grail' signal providers.
8. Website hosts (of promoting EA marketers, signal providers and brokers).
9. Commercial banks, Skrill, etc. on fund transfer fees.
10. Trading book writers and publishers.
11. Online trading course and seminar promoter 'gurus'.

In other words: Forex traders support the profits and living of all the above groups from they hard earned paychecks (or pension, heritage, business proceeds, etc.).

Conclusion...? A logically thinking person would join one of the above 11 groups to make money by Forex.

Someone has to pay for the above mentioned,your right get a job on the other side of the desk.
"They mistook leverage with genius".
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