The Simplest Forex Strategy

Nov 04, 2010 at 05:54
12,760 Visa
63 Replies
Medlem sedan Jun 07, 2010   82 inlägg
Sep 08, 2011 at 18:53
Ok.. I figured 50 pips stop loss is enough to know if the move is good or not.
So all the signals coming from now on will have integrated a 50 pips stop loss
still with the same 25 pips profit on trailing.
Grace is the greatest thing ever!
Medlem sedan Jun 07, 2010   82 inlägg
Oct 14, 2011 at 17:11
After a few tweakings.. I been able to get back on track.. and found out I wasn't cut to be a scalper. I have to trade swing trading style and hold positions for sometime.

3000 pips and counting
this one is running with more leverage
and had to close some positions because of margin call
but all of them were on profit
now.. the top one has been running with no interference meaning that I am profitable in the long run
Grace is the greatest thing ever!
Medlem sedan Jan 14, 2010   541 inlägg
Oct 19, 2011 at 14:46
The first system looks like on a losing streak while the second one looks to be making profit.
Are those 2 systems the same only with a different leverage?
Medlem sedan Mar 30, 2012   3 inlägg
Apr 08, 2012 at 07:08
Dear Traders,

I Finish my style of expert advisor experienced traders please comments me for update.

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