What am I missing here?

Aug 06, 2023 at 01:27
349 Visa
2 Replies
Medlem sedan Aug 06, 2023   1 inlägg
Aug 06, 2023 at 01:27
I am planning to invest $100k in forex and I am intending to use no leverage. Here is what I am thinking, in a given week I see at least 1% movement in a given currency pair so I intend to invest this $100k in a few pairs and hold positions until I make the 1%. Because I dont use leverage, I dont have any pressure of closing positions.

My thought process is that if I do this and continue making 0.5% to 1% weekly then its a great return. Am I missing something here that needs to be considered?
Medlem sedan Aug 07, 2023   1 inlägg
Aug 07, 2023 at 08:42
MIC1986 posted:
I am planning to invest $100k in forex and I am intending to use no leverage. Here is what I am thinking, in a given week I see at least 1% movement in a given currency pair so I intend to invest this $100k in a few pairs and hold positions until I make the 1%. Because I dont use leverage, I dont have any pressure of closing positions.

My thought process is that if I do this and continue making 0.5% to 1% weekly then its a great return. Am I missing something here that needs to be considered?

Can I have your contact details, please?
Medlem sedan Mar 13, 2023   5 inlägg
Aug 08, 2023 at 22:52
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