I need help

Jul 19, 2011 at 00:34
1,329 Visa
2 Replies
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2011   1 inlägg
Jul 19, 2011 at 00:34
I have spent a lot of months working on the development of my trading method.
It is basically a trend chasing system that works perfect at trending markets and has some filters to avoid losses at ranging markets. It is a simple system that when worked at multiple pairs can pick a lot of pips.
It has two problems.
1) It was not made to be operated manually, and
2) I am not a programmer.
Can someone help or recomend me someone who can program this system?.
Try hard..., try harder...., harder
Medlem sedan Jan 26, 2011   974 inlägg
Jul 20, 2011 at 05:02 (redigerad Jul 20, 2011 at 05:13)
i could do it for you.. but i do not really have time to do it.

ii will try to help you tho..

the first thing that you will need is a full definition of your tradiing system, in the form of a flowchart.

you must have this, no matter who codes your stuff.

do not attempt to proceed wiithout a fully defiined flowchart.

this is sorta like a roadmap for a programmer.

all paths on the flowchart must be defined.

followiing is an example of what ii am talking about:

you can look at other tradiing flowcharts by goiing to http://images.google.com and search for TRADING FLOW CHART

let me know if you have any further questions..


Medlem sedan Jan 14, 2010   541 inlägg
Jul 25, 2011 at 16:47

fayalac posted:
I have spent a lot of months working on the development of my trading method.
It is basically a trend chasing system that works perfect at trending markets and has some filters to avoid losses at ranging markets. It is a simple system that when worked at multiple pairs can pick a lot of pips.
It has two problems.
1) It was not made to be operated manually, and
2) I am not a programmer.
Can someone help or recomend me someone who can program this system?.

How about posting the logic of the trading system? If it's not too complicated, I should be able to program it quickly.
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