Question about SELECT_BY_POS

Mar 19, 2015 at 13:38
1,096 Visa
5 Replies
Medlem sedan Oct 14, 2014   11 inlägg
Mar 19, 2015 at 13:38
Hey guys,

This may be a very silly question, but suppose I have 4 trades open, they will have Position 0, 1, 2 and 3 on the MODE_TRADES pool..

Now, if I close the order that's assigned to position 2, will I be left with positions 0, 1 and 3, or will the order in position 3 be reassigned to position 2?
Medlem sedan Nov 21, 2011   1601 inlägg
Mar 19, 2015 at 18:05
Renko posted:
Hey guys,

This may be a very silly question, but suppose I have 4 trades open, they will have Position 0, 1, 2 and 3 on the MODE_TRADES pool..

Now, if I close the order that's assigned to position 2, will the order in position 3 be reassigned to position 2?

Yes I guess so.
Simply do a test by closing 2, then check if it closes 2 positions.
Medlem sedan Dec 21, 2010   127 inlägg
Mar 20, 2015 at 09:52 (redigerad Mar 20, 2015 at 10:17)
Any pool, at any time, have indexes form 0 to MAX-1 !
... where MAX can be : OrdersHistoryTotal() or OrdersTotal() .
Any trade operation change both pools (list of orders) immediately.
WARNING : Before new OrderSelect() , you still have old data selected (loaded in memory) !!!

So, If you have 4 active position ( list index =0,1,2,3 ),
and close position ( index=2 ),
the result is :
-> Total position = 3
-> possible List index = 0,1,2

So here is a test :
- if you have 4 positions, and close position=2, try :
--> OrderSelect(3,SELECT_BY_POS,=MODE_TRADES ); ==> return ERROR
--> OrderSelect(2,SELECT_BY_POS,=MODE_TRADES ); ==> return current position=2, previous=3
Medlem sedan Feb 11, 2015   14 inlägg
Mar 20, 2015 at 10:22
its a kind of silly ques but try something on 2
Medlem sedan Oct 14, 2014   11 inlägg
Mar 20, 2015 at 10:35
Thanks Ivan!
Medlem sedan Sep 20, 2014   342 inlägg
Mar 29, 2015 at 04:32 (redigerad Mar 29, 2015 at 05:01)
I quite frankly don't know why you would do something like that.

If you use a loop, as in:

for (i= 0 ;i< OrdersTotal(),i++){

if (whatever is true){
close or whatever;

Have your parameters for closing as if statements, you just go through the list regardless of where the position is, and close when you get to the trade you want to close, then break out of the loop.

Another method would be to store the trade number you want to close and then go through the list with the method above till your trade numbers match. Both are much better ways of doing it than trying to work out where the trades positions is in a list.

Yet another method is to comment your trade when you open it, then use the method above to go through the list and look for the comment.
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