Using the API to display Profit Factor

Sep 13, 2011 at 12:00
1,277 Visa
2 Replies
Medlem sedan Jan 12, 2011   4 inlägg
Sep 13, 2011 at 12:00
hi. Can anyone help with this. I am looking to generate a table in php to display the information from a range of ssystems.

Using the API I am trying to work out how to display the profit factor. This is not currenty supported in the API.

Has anyone managed to do this and if so could they point me in the right direction?

Medlem sedan Sep 25, 2011   2 inlägg
Sep 26, 2011 at 06:24
i have the same problem if you find the solution please tell methanks
Medlem sedan Aug 02, 2011   1 inlägg
Oct 04, 2011 at 11:06
Just try to ask to support to add the profit factor value in the API, I asked them to add the currencies and they did in a couple of days ! MyFxbook support and coders are very helpfull! :)
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