why this script don't work right now

Jul 24, 2012 at 11:36
809 Visa
6 Replies
Medlem sedan Jun 27, 2012   5 inlägg
Jul 24, 2012 at 11:36
hello dears
i need programer to help me to make this script work
any body help


if ($login_name=="") {
echo "Enter your myfxbook account login and password:

login: password: ";
else {

$login_string = "$login_name&password=$login_pw";
$url = "https://www.myfxbook.com/api/login.xml?email=$login_string";

$login = file_get_contents($url);
$xml_sess = simplexml_load_string($login);
$sess = $xml_sess->session;

$data = file_get_contents($url);
$xml_data = simplexml_load_string($data);

$i =0;
echo "NameProfitProfit AbsBalanceEquityDDAgeDepositsUpdated:";
foreach ($xml_data->xpath('//account') as $niks) {

echo "";
echo $xml_data->accounts->account[$i]->name;
echo "";
$profit = (double) $xml_data->accounts->account[$i]->profit;
$deposits = (double) $xml_data->accounts->account[$i]->deposits;
$withdrawals = (double) $xml_data->accounts->account[$i]->withdrawals;
$net_deposits = $deposits-$withdrawals;
$equity = (double) $xml_data->accounts->account[$i]->equity;
$balance = (double) $xml_data->accounts->account[$i]->balance;
$drawdown = (double) $xml_data->accounts->account[$i]->drawdown;
$per = ($profit/$net_deposits)*100;
$aper = (($equity-$net_deposits)/$net_deposits)*100;
$nu = time();
$start = strtotime($xml_data->accounts->account[$i]->creationDate);
$looptijd = floor(($nu-$start)/(60*60*24));
$update = strtotime($xml_data->accounts->account[$i]->lastUpdateDate);
$updated = floor(($nu-$update)/60);
if ($per > 0) {
echo "+";
echo "-";
print round($per,2);
echo "%";
if ($aper > $per) echo "";
if ($aper > 0) {
$profit = 1;
echo "+";
$profit = 0;
echo "";
print round($aper,2);
echo "%";
if ($aper > $per) echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "€ ";
echo round($balance,2);
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "€ ";
echo round($equity,2);
echo "";
echo round($drawdown,2);
echo "%";

echo "$looptijd days€ $net_deposits";
if($updated > 30) echo "";
echo "$updated Min";
if($updated > 30) echo "";
echo "";
echo "accounts->account[$i]->id;
echo "\">";

echo "";

$url = "https://www.myfxbook.com/api/logout.xml?session=$sess";
$logout = file_get_contents($url);
$xml_logout = simplexml_load_string($logout);

echo "

Medlem sedan Jun 27, 2012   5 inlägg
Jul 24, 2012 at 17:06
14 views and no one can help or leave a comment
Medlem sedan Feb 10, 2012   6 inlägg
Jul 24, 2012 at 17:06
i have the same problem....it doesnt work for me....
Medlem sedan Mar 07, 2010   57 inlägg
Jul 25, 2012 at 06:09
what's not working? do you get any errors?
Medlem sedan Jun 27, 2012   5 inlägg
Jul 25, 2012 at 06:09
there is any body can help for this ?
Medlem sedan Jun 27, 2012   5 inlägg
Jul 25, 2012 at 15:16
yeah this script i use it to see my acc in my website and now don't work probably

Medlem sedan Jun 27, 2012   5 inlägg
Jul 26, 2012 at 05:41

cleverforex posted:
i have the same problem....it doesnt work for me....

do u know any body can fix this problem
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