Advanced Statistics Tab - Add Cash Profit/Loss Column röstningsresultat

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Advanced Statistics Tab - Add Cash Profit/Loss Column Diskussion

Sep 22, 2009 at 02:53
1,572 Visa
2 Replies
Medlem sedan Aug 31, 2009   131 inlägg
Sep 22, 2009 at 02:53 (redigerad Sep 22, 2009 at 02:54)
The Advanced Statistics [Summary] tab is a great view because it breaks each currency down by type of orders (BUY/SELL) and pips won or lost. Could you add a column for Cash Profit/Loss - It great to know the pips but my greatest pip loser is actually my cash winning leader since I lost the most pips at the smallest lotsize and my winners were with larger lotsizes. Adding that single column would create a perfect textual snapshot view of account performance.
It ain't easy being Cheesy!
Medlem sedan Jul 31, 2009   1417 inlägg
Sep 22, 2009 at 06:36
This feature was asked several times.

Just to let you know, it is already implemented, and it should be available after the next platform update, which hopefully will happen later this week.

Thank you.
Medlem sedan Aug 06, 2009   386 inlägg
Sep 22, 2009 at 12:39
Sleep is for the weak.
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