Amalgamate Oanda sub accounts röstningsresultat

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Amalgamate Oanda sub accounts Diskussion

Sep 13, 2010 at 17:47
958 Visa
8 Replies
Medlem sedan Aug 20, 2009   208 inlägg
Sep 13, 2010 at 17:47,1

"....How many sub accounts do you have with oanda ? Lets presume 1000, thus out of 1000 there is nothing significant with having three accounts show 400+ gains if they are each seeded with $10 traded of the Oanda API . As per Popper's principle of falsification the burden of proof is on you to clarify. With Oanda one could even have a $1 sub account, my best bet is you are gaming the system ...." should provide a weighted average of all oanda sub accounts and present us only with one Oanda account. For enough money Oanda will allow a trader any number of sub accounts.
Medlem sedan Jul 31, 2009   1417 inlägg
Sep 14, 2010 at 06:42
Stephanus, we cannot force members to show all of their sub-accounts, as this is entirely up to them to decide.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Medlem sedan Aug 20, 2009   208 inlägg
Sep 14, 2010 at 06:56 (redigerad Sep 14, 2010 at 06:58)
Staff posted:
Stephanus, we cannot force members to show all of their sub-accounts, as this is entirely up to them to decide.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I understand and from the two negative votes one can presume that people are exploiting this where they only tell us about their winning real Oanda accounts and not their losing real Oanda accounts. In the interest of transparency I would suggest that all Oanda accounts gets flagged with a disclaimer for this purpose. Come to think about it one could pay bribes to, to allow hundreds of real sub accounts with them. Presently it isn't allowed but at the right price I am sure anything can be organized.

Thus any Oanda account must have a large equity say around $5000 before one could take it serious.
Medlem sedan Oct 28, 2009   1409 inlägg
Sep 14, 2010 at 14:28
In reality people could be paying to fake results or might actually be the Russian Mafia and could be running all the scams themselves.

The devil himself might even be among us and with the wave of his hand could be creating fake accounts and the associated scams that deprive us of our hard earned money.

If you are really that mistrustful of other people simply trade your own money. Oh you do.

In that case I can only take your constant attempts to discredit other traders as an attempt to push your own credentials forward as the only credible trader on MyFxBook and therefore the only person that should be taken seriously.

It's brilliant that you put so much effort into trying to sniff out the scams on here and discredit them but pointing the fingers at people who are doing nothing obviously wrong and in this case ( bumbum ) who aren't even providing any kind of professional service to other traders is not the right way to go about it in my opinion.

11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
Medlem sedan Sep 04, 2009   849 inlägg
Sep 14, 2010 at 15:00
I voted NO, this guy has a severe paranoia
Medlem sedan Aug 20, 2009   208 inlägg
Sep 14, 2010 at 15:37 (redigerad Sep 14, 2010 at 15:48)
stevetrade posted:
In reality people could be paying to fake results or might actually be the Russian Mafia and could be running all the scams themselves.

The devil himself might even be among us and with the wave of his hand could be creating fake accounts and the associated scams that deprive us of our hard earned money.

If you are really that mistrustful of other people simply trade your own money. Oh you do.

In that case I can only take your constant attempts to discredit other traders as an attempt to push your own credentials forward as the only credible trader on MyFxBook and therefore the only person that should be taken seriously.

It's brilliant that you put so much effort into trying to sniff out the scams on here and discredit them but pointing the fingers at people who are doing nothing obviously wrong and in this case ( bumbum ) who aren't even providing any kind of professional service to other traders is not the right way to go about it in my opinion.

Lets take for example

Mike Baghdady WINNER! of the Live Trading World Championship Frankfurt 2009

World trading championship.

World of trading , world champion 2009

Steve would you say that this trading contest Frankfurt existed ? What does your lie detector tell you.(Hint: Google is your friend) . is charging upto $9000 for a course on trading , but Mike Baghdady can't provide us with a way to falsify his trading proficiency , no tax return, no real statements. We have the right to insist on traders providing us with a way to disprove their claims. The best way to do that is telling us about those losing accounts, the same ones they place in their income tax return .
Medlem sedan Aug 20, 2009   208 inlägg
Sep 17, 2010 at 09:43 (redigerad Sep 17, 2010 at 10:01)
pc8multifx posted:
I voted NO, this guy has a severe paranoia

Richard Dawkins chided people for their 'fallacy of incredulity' . David Berlinski replied " .... In appealing to the animidversions of others, he appeals to his own ability to believe almost anything ...."

The investing public like Dawkins also do believe anything they are told which is why the Nasdaq hit 5000 points. Enron, Leahman , scams , hoaxes, UFO's etc. This inability to question things is why we have thousands of people trading forex, wasting their money and time ignoring the fact that 99% will eventually lose, only a few individuals manage to time the markets consistently for 10 years or more.

Most enter forex catching a major trend like the Euro tanking from 1.50 to 1.18 and all they did was short based on fibonacci, Elliot or the temperature cycle on the North Pole thinking that they are now the next forex wonderwomen. But what really happened was that we had a trend for a few months due to some historical event that won't repeat itself, because history never repeats itself. Their methods just so happened to coincide with the euro tanking because no matter what parameters you used, if you kept on shorting the euro during its strong down trend , the trade would eventually go in the money.

All exited they announce their entry to becoming full time forex traders, then the crises blows over and the euro resumes a counter trend with their Elliot, Fibonacci, Stochastic nonsense not working this time around.

A trader must be able to go short and long during a trend and counter trend, because usually one only realizes after the event that we were in a trend like with the euro the last six trading sessions. In some cases such a trend is announced with a huge break-out and thus any form of trading must factor in the fact that 60% of the time we have a counter trend, 30% a trend and 10% a break-out.

If one is thus so credulous as to actually believe the 100% or 200% gains posted on then such a person should seriously consider whether he has the mental acumen to trade forex.

Note that my assertion isn't that nobody can trade forex, there are people who do, they do exist. It is just that is very difficult to evaluate claims of trading proficiency due to the fact that with off-shore and fronting companies not even the IRS tax authority can deduce whether the person has declared his net gain as percentage of net equity risked. One should thus be very wary when reading a statement claiming 1000% gain.

Which is why one must always place the falsifiability onus on the person making the claim, he remains a fraud misrepresenting his trading ability unless he can prove the converse with at least an audited tax return from all his fronting and off-shore companies or a single account.
Medlem sedan Jun 16, 2010   198 inlägg
Sep 17, 2010 at 14:10
And who says your single Stocktwits account is showing all of your accounts?

Let the people who thinks about buying any EA or signalservice or managed accountservice decide for themselves whether they trust the provider or not.

The way you miscredit everyone else, does really suggest 1) genuine paranoia, or 2) a mud-throwing marketing campaign to trying to get yourself more customers.

It seems you think that your way of trading is the only true way, and yet you have only uploaded a demo-account showing 16% monthly profit with 21% realized DD, wonder what YOUR largest DD has been? And why haven't you updated this since June 29th? Did you blow the demo?
Are you jealous of other peoples succes, because you're not succesfull yourself?
Don't you believe in your tradingsystem to trade it live and upload your statement to myfxbook or don't you wan't everyone else to see your succes, making others begin to miscredit you?
Is 50 trades on Stocktwits really a great trackrecord, and is linking to a "Track record evaluation", (which really gives you a myfxbooksuggestion), on not an unproven way of marketing your own tradingsystem. (Why haven't you updated since June?)


Always get cashback -
Medlem sedan Aug 20, 2009   208 inlägg
Sep 17, 2010 at 21:50
GridsForPips posted:
Let the people who thinks about buying any EA or signalservice or managed accountservice decide for themselves whether they trust the provider or not.

Lets rather not, we nearly had the world economy collapse because of systemic misrepresentation fraud form the lowest Russian hacker peddling EA's the hotshot traders at AIG writing naked put options. We need to dispel the myths and insist on evidence, facts that can be falsified as I explained in this google group thread:

A series of 22 posts that will enable an investor to critically evaluate claims and conclude that virtually nobody is making money in forex. If you think you can, then provide a means for such assertion to be falsified.
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