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Daily / Weekly / Monthly summary reports röstningsresultat
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Daily / Weekly / Monthly summary reports Diskussion
Dec 12, 2009 at 15:42
Medlem sedan Sep 12, 2009
4 inlägg
As the name suggest, the site itself is a 'book' , so it would be nice to have reports which summarize days/weeks/months one line per item ...
for days it can be done by switching main chart from pips/sizing , but there is no option like 'P/L' (yup I can always count pips, but that's not as pleasant) .
for days it can be done by switching main chart from pips/sizing , but there is no option like 'P/L' (yup I can always count pips, but that's not as pleasant) .
Medlem sedan Jul 31, 2009
1449 inlägg
Dec 12, 2009 at 17:08
Medlem sedan Jul 31, 2009
1449 inlägg
Just to make it clear, you want the analysis displayed graphically? Or to have a written report?
Medlem sedan Jul 31, 2009
1449 inlägg
Dec 12, 2009 at 17:20
Medlem sedan Jul 31, 2009
1449 inlägg
Ok, great.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Thanks for the suggestion!
Jan 02, 2010 at 14:45
Medlem sedan Sep 09, 2009
71 inlägg
Love to have thee features! Definitely will be a great tools for us to analyse our accounts :D
Slow and Steady Wins the Race :)
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