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- Only show Growth Comparison Chart per Portfolio
Only show Growth Comparison Chart per Portfolio röstningsresultat
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Only show Growth Comparison Chart per Portfolio Diskussion
Jan 24, 2010 at 20:14
Medlem sedan Oct 25, 2009
80 inlägg
Great work on the Portfolio feature, and the site in general; I feel like I almost can't live without it! 😁
Regarding the new Portfolio feature, in the Growth Comparison Chart, I would like the chart to only show the growth among the systems in the portfolio, not all my systems.
For example, let's say I have 10 systems in total, I have 2 portfolios, one with 4 real systems, and one with 6 demo systems. When I click on the "Real systems" portfolio, I only want to see the growth comparison among these 4 real systems in the portfolio, not all my 10 systems.
It would therefore be great if the Growth Comparison Chart only showed the growth among the systems in the portfolio!
Thanks for your hard work! 😉
Great work on the Portfolio feature, and the site in general; I feel like I almost can't live without it! 😁
Regarding the new Portfolio feature, in the Growth Comparison Chart, I would like the chart to only show the growth among the systems in the portfolio, not all my systems.
For example, let's say I have 10 systems in total, I have 2 portfolios, one with 4 real systems, and one with 6 demo systems. When I click on the "Real systems" portfolio, I only want to see the growth comparison among these 4 real systems in the portfolio, not all my 10 systems.
It would therefore be great if the Growth Comparison Chart only showed the growth among the systems in the portfolio!
Thanks for your hard work! 😉
Whoever said money can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop.
Medlem sedan Jul 31, 2009
1417 inlägg
Jan 24, 2010 at 21:25
Medlem sedan Jul 31, 2009
1417 inlägg
Yonex, this was actually the original idea. It was a bug our side - it should be working correctly now.
Jan 24, 2010 at 21:42
Medlem sedan Oct 25, 2009
80 inlägg
It works perfectly now. Thank you for your great service! 😁
Whoever said money can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop.
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